34 Reviews liked by lejontojete

When I first booted up Cuphead a few days ago, I was greeted with a brand-new title screen and song. It was for The Delicious Last Course and honestly, I like it a lot more than the new title screen. This was a sign of good things to come with the new DLC and I'm happy to say it's pretty great.

I actually used one of the new weapons a ton in my replay of the base game but crackshot really is amazing. It's basically chaser but better and it was my primary weapon in this DLC alongside charge shot. Converge and Twist-up were the other two new weapons and I wasn't really a fan of either so I barely used them. There were also some new charms that were added as well. Astral cookie let's you play as Ms. Chalice, the ghost that awards you your different supers in the base game. She can be kinda broken since she has 4 health, an invincible role and a dash that parries. I also found it kind of weird to use her so I used Cuphead for the most part. The divine relic is one you need to put a bit of work into. It starts as a broken relic which you can basically activate by defeating this weird secret graveyard boss. Once you do, you can start defeating other bosses to eventually turn it into the divine relic. While you do, all sorts of effects happen like starting at 1 HP, having your normal attack change constantly and having an in-consistent smoke bomb. Once you defeat enough bosses tho, you get the divine relic which can be incredibly OP if you're skilled enough. The changing normal attacks are still a thing, which is why you need to be skilled enough I said, but you get a normal smoke bomb, the axe parry move and you have an ability where you get health on your 1st, 3rd and 6th parry which can be crazy broken. The last charm is basically just that last parry effect on its own and its the one I stuck with throughout the DLC, it can make A and S ranks stupid easy to get.

Speaking of Ms. Chalice again, I did use her a lot in one area of the game. The king's leap is a series of parry challenges and she is super useful with her dash parry. This one one of my favorite parts of the DLC ngl, it was really fun. I even did The Gauntlet which has you doing all of the challenges in a row without a break in between. It wasn't too bad and the executioner was definitely my favorite of the bunch. Also the presentation of the castle and it looking like it's made out of clay was amazing.

Now onto the meat and potatoes once again, the bosses. Yeah, there's only bosses now and no Run and Gun stages. While I do prefer the bosses a bunch, with there only being 6 total this DLC just flies by and is one of my biggest criticisms tbh. Idk, I just wish this was a little longer because what's here is great, you can just beat it in no time is the problem. Anyways onto the bosses. It has some of the best bosses in the entire game and some alright ones. The Howling Aces was easily my least favorite when I first played and that was all because of the last phase where the screen rotates. It felt cheap at the time and I really did not like it but now after S ranking it (yes this is the one and only S rank I got funnily enough) if you turn your head and understand that the dog bowl color lets you know what they will do, it's not that bad. I'm still not the biggest fan of it tho. Esther Winchester was the only flying stage and I thought it was okay. I just found some of the later stages really annoying but again funnily enough, it was another one I was able to expert in the end. Mortimer Freeze and Glumstone the Giant I don't really have much to say besides they were both pretty good. I didn't expert either, Mortimer especially is a pain in the ass on expert. Chef Saltbaker was definitely one of the best in the game even though his fight can be a real bullet hell at times. The spectacle of it really did it for me and he was another one I didn't expert. I saved the best for last and while the fight is fun, the presentation alone made this my favorite. Moonshine Mob was easily my favorite fight just because it was so creative. It's a mob of bugs that all play a part in the fight. First off the announcer was different this time and it was one of the members of the mob which was great. The spider and the light bug were both fun and very expressive. The music is also sung by the light bug which is a nice touch. Then near the end of the fight, we find out the head of the mob was actually the announcer from the beginning..the snail. He's teaming up with an anteater which is so brilliant because you know he uses the anteater to scare or even kill other bugs. Then when you defeat the anteater there's a fucking fake knock out screen that can actually trip you up since I thought it was just a quirky little change up like the initial announcer was but the fact it's a fake out from the snail, it was the cherry on top of the already incredible presentation in this fight. Like I said, easily the best in this DLC and may even be the best in the game. This was another fight I was able to expert as well.

I got all trophies which only required me to S rank one boss so I didn't expert everything like I said. I just don't find expert mode too fun so I don't think it's a huge deal. Either way, great DLC overall. I think I do like the base game more just because this DLC was really short and I didn't love every boss here, but what was good was really damn good so I definitely recommend every Cuphead fan plays it.

Okay I swear my next review will be Chrono Trigger. I keep putting it off and I really got to get back to it 😭

Pra um primeiro game da franquia está mt bem feito, nunca tinha jogado Guitar Hero antes mas sempre tive curiosidade pra ver como me sairia.
Pensei q daria conta pq curto aqueles jogos tipo Piano Tiles do celular onde tem q clicar rápido nas teclas certas, mas meu amigo o negócio é foda, demorei um pouco até memorizar as teclas e tbm só descobri bem no final q os raios serviam pra dobrar os pontos.

>> Prós
• SOUNDTRACK : É Guitar Hero, não preciso falar nada sobre esse ponto.
• DESAFIO : É um jogo q requer uma coordenação motora bem alta, demorei um pouco pra memorizar algumas teclas ( considero mais fácil acertar as notas duplas : vermelho + amarelo, verde + amarelo, verde + azul / e mais dificil de acertar o verde + vermelho ).
• JOGABILIDADE : Com a guitarra deve ser mt mais fácil mas ainda assim a jogabilidade no controle é boa.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Música Favorita = "I Love Rock n' Roll", "I Wanna be Sedated", "Iron Man", "More Than a Feeling" e "No One Knows".

>> Listas
• AXE-GRINDERS = 4/5 ( meu favorito )
• FACE-MELTERS = 3.5/5

melhor jogo de ping pong atualmente, passei várias horas jogando com o meu irmão.

sabe, é interessante pegar esse jogo aqui depois de todo o papo ao redor dele ter dado uma reacendida após ele ter sido delistado pela 2k. The Line é bem único, e gosto muito de falar sobre ele. eu gosto até de ouvir outras pessoa falarem sobre ele! olha só q maluquice.

esse jogo n merece ser apagado da existência. n tem muito o q eu possa falar dele q n tenha sido dito um milhão de vezes, por bem ou por mal. talvez esse jogo tente me fazer sentir culpada por matar soldados americanos um tanto q demais as vezes, o q é meio cringe. talvez o gameplay dele seja formulaico demais, e não case muito bem com o tipo de história contada aqui ou com a crítica q ele quer fazer dos seus contemporâneos.

mas acho q o q mais me suprendeu nele, após recentemente ter aguentado algumas horas de alguns outros third person shooters da época, é como esse jogo é meio q bem escrito. os diálogos tem uma vibe até q um tanto q naturalista, q funcionam muito bem com o ótimo trabalho do cast. acho q esse é um dos pontos mais fortes desse jogo, e foi uma das principais coisas q me fizeram continuar jogando The Line.

a historinha aqui realmente tenta ser o Heart of Darkness dos videogames. e talvez até consiga. em partes. um pouquinho. pra época do seu lançamento, sem dúvidas foi. uma pena q algumas das cenas mais ousadas e visualmente interessantes fiquem mais relegadas a reta final do jogo, mas eu defendo q The Line faz um bom trabalho em contar sua história de uma maneira visualmente engajante. videogames hj em dia tentam tanto imitar cinema, mas na maioria das vezes fazem isso de uma maneira bem medíocre. é bom ver um pouquinho mais de esforço e ousadia aqui.

esse jogo genuinamente n merece ser apagado da existência. todo o discurso ao redor dele n merece morrer pq uma distribuidora n quer renovar um contrato imbecil. o trabalho e a arte de mais de 600 pessoas n merece sumir do mapa da noite pro dia. se vc tiver interesse, n é lá muito difícil encontrar ele por aí. talvez vc encontre algo pra apreciar nele, e mantenha a chama dele viva por mais um tempinho.

O jogo começa estilo battlefield/call of duty, porém, a história toda um rumo totalmente inusitado.
Afinal, vc acha que é um herói?

At this point in time, Rare didn’t necessarily have the best track record when it came to their releases. Sure, they did have the Battletoads franchise, which mostly managed to have pretty solid games, and they had developed several other games that hold up relatively well, but most of the rest of the games that they have developed were either uninteresting, forgotten, or just straight up terrible. It was enough for them to stay in the business for as long as they had been, but not to the point where they could reach the same level of success and notoriety as other developers, like Capcom, Squaresoft, or Konami. That is, until they were approached by Nintendo who, after seeing what they could pull off with games on the SNES using pre-rendered graphics, decided to give them a shot at developing a brand new game in a similar style so they could compete with what games like Aladdin were doing on the Genesis. They were given the reigns to make a new game in the DK franchise, which, aside from the Game Boy game that had been released earlier in the year, hadn’t really seen any major attention in nearly a decade, and thus, Rare went on to not only make a new game to reintroduce DK to modern audiences, but to also completely re-invent the character and his world, changing both DK and Rare's reputation forever. This would result in what would become the start of one of the best sub-series that DK would ever be a part of, Donkey Kong Country.

I have had quite the history with the DKC series over the years, with my first proper introduction to the series being with DKC Returns back in 2010, when I was still a dumb kid, and I had no clue as to what a Super Nintendo or a Rareware was. Eventually, I would discover the wonders of what we refer to as “retro gaming”, and it would lead to me getting my hands on a SNES for myself, with this being one of the first games that I had ever gotten with the system. I don’t think I had ever heard of the game beforehand, so needless to say, I was excited to try it out, and naturally, I ended up loving it. So now that I am playing it again after all this time, I can say that it holds up extremely well, being pretty basic for a platformer, but having some of the best design, personality, and fun challenges from any platformer of this era, and it successfully managed to reinvent DK into what he would be to this day.

The story is pretty simple, where the villainous King K. Rool steals Donkey Kong’s banana hoard with the help of his Kremlings, which makes DK very sad, so he then sets out with his nephew Diddy Kong to go beat them up and get his bananas back, which is a very silly premise, but one that fits perfectly for this series, and I am all here for it. The graphics are pretty good, not only having a pretty unique style for a SNES game at that point, but also holding up extremely well, with all of the different models for the characters, enemies, and bosses looking very charming, and the environments look just as great right alongside them, the music is fantastic, with there being plenty of different tracks that I still love to listen to to this day, such as the final boss theme, the theme for the first level, and my favorite track in the whole game, the underwater level theme (if I drowned IRL while this music played, I would be going out happy), the control is pretty great, with both DK and Diddy having the proper weight to them, and each action they can perform feels just right on a SNES controller, and the gameplay itself is pretty basic for the genre it takes on, but it still manages to be a solid experience all the way through, and I would rather a game be simple yet solid rather than experimental yet flawed.

The game is a 2D platformer, where you take control of either Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong, go through many different worlds, each one containing their own set of levels that will challenge you in plenty of different ways, defeat many different enemies and Kremlings along the way while gathering plenty of bananas, collectibles, and power-ups to assist you on your way, find many of the other members of the Kong family such as Funky Kong, the coolest motherfucker on the planet, Candy Kong, the Kong who made a lot of kids question themselves when they were younger, and Cranky Kong, the Kong who resembled everybody’s grandparents in one way or another, who will each help you out in their own way (except for Cranky, who just says you suck and makes you depressed), and take on plenty of bosses that will prove to be quite the “challenge” to overcome to get your precious bananas back. A lot of it is pretty standard for a platformer, and some who aren’t new to the genre may question why you would bother playing it with plenty of other options out there, but not only does the graphical and musical style help give this game its own unique identity that holds up extremely well to this day, but it also still manages to be a fun game all on its own, with many ways it changes up the formula and keep you going.

For every single level in the game that you go through, there is always something new and exciting waiting for you, even if the changes may not be as big as others. You start out going through a pretty typical platformer level, nothing too exciting for you to see or do, but then you get to levels where you will be going through ancient temples, fighting different foes, finding different animal buddies that can help you take out enemies and give you more momentum, and there are even extreme cases of changing up the gameplay, such as levels where you are riding minecarts, ones where you are grabbing fuel for a conveyor belt you are riding on, and ones where you are turning on the lights to keep the Satan crocodiles from waking up. While some of these gimmicks are definitely preferable over others, each one is very fun to go through and experience, all while the game makes you think more and more about what to do in each situation, even if the goal is obvious.

What also helps keep this game fun and fresh throughout the entire journey would be in terms of its difficulty. For those of you who have played this game, you know it isn’t easy in the slightest, and while I wouldn’t say it is as hard as other platformers out there like Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden, there are still plenty of the moments where the game will test your skills in pretty extreme ways, such as with precarious platforming in plenty of levels, adding gimmicks like wind and barrels you need to shoot out of, timing your jumps on minecart segments effectively, and so many more examples. However, despite how hard it can be, it never feels unfair. There is always a chance for you to figure out what to do, how to overcome these challenges, whether it be through simple trial and error, or just by taking your time, and even if you do manage to fuck up and get a game over, if you have been using save points properly, then you shouldn’t be sent too far back to where it discourages you from continuing forward. Not to mention, it feels immensely rewarding whenever you do conquer some of the challenges in this game, managing to make it to the next save point so that you can press on towards whatever challenge may lie ahead.

For those of you wanting a little more out of your platformers though, fear not, because this game isn’t just a simple “run to the end and you win” kinda deal… or at least, it doesn’t have to be, anyway. Throughout each of the level, there are plenty of different bonus areas that you can access, each one giving you some kind of bonus, whether it be with extra lives, or even by sending you to this bonus area where you can collect all of these golden tokens as one of your animal buddies for even more extra lives! Not only do they help you prepare for the journey ahead, but each one does add to your percentage total, and it can even change the ending that you get if you manage to find everything… which isn’t much different then the normal ending, but it will keep Cranky Kong from complaining too much, fucking old-ass prick. They are pretty fun to go for, not just for the sake of completion, but they can be pretty tricky to find to, making you really look around every corner to see what walls or floors are breakable, and where else you could look just in case you end up missing something along the way.

So yeah, most of this game is a blast from start to finish, but there are some gripes that I have with it that do keep it from being a perfect game in my eyes. For one thing, the boss fights FUCKING SUCK, not because they are too hard, but moreso because they are uncreative and boring. Most of them consist of just bigger versions of enemies that you fight in the regular levels, with some of these even being repeated as the game goes on, and while some of them try to mix things up a bit, it’s only methods of doing so is by either giving you a different weak spot to hit, or just by taking on an enemy gauntlet, which isn’t exactly fun to deal with. The only good boss in the entire game is the final one against K. Rool, because not only does the foe you fight actually put up a fight, but the ways in which he does and when you can hit him is pretty creative, and it keeps you on your toes.

Secondly, while most of the elements in this game are pretty fair, and you can get through a lot of the challenges easily, there are some things that were put into this game that I am just not a fan of. There’s one example of this that sticks out to me as clear as day, and that is with one of the bonus areas that you find in Oil Drum Alley. Whenever you go into one of the other bonus levels in the stage and clear it out, you have to take the barrel that you get and throw it ABOVE the wall that you would normally hit in order to clear it out, which will grant you access to another bonus area you need to go through. If you don’t know about this on your first go, and you end up missing it, you cannot go back and try getting it again, making it so that, if you are going for 101% completion, you are FUCKED. That’s not necessarily that bad for those who just wanna go through the game normally, and I myself have never had this happen to me, but the fact that it can happen at all is pretty shitty, and I’d imagine there is at least one person out there who didn’t know about it, figured out what they was missing, and had their day ruined because of it.

Overall, despite the terrible bosses and some secrets having strict punishments for not finding them, the original DKC is still a fantastic game after almost 30 years, having very fun platforming challenges, wonderful visuals and music, and plenty of things to do for those that wanna go the extra mile that you usually wouldn’t go for in a platformer like this. I would highly recommend it for those who are fans of Donkey Kong, as well as those who love 2D platformers in the first place, because while this certainly isn’t my favorite game in the series, it is still one of the best platformers you can play on the SNES, and one that would launch an equally fantastic series that would continue to get installments for years to come…………. at least, until 2014, that is. Seriously, Nintendo, bring back Donkey Kong in a brand new game already! And maybe also try to bring back the Kremlings while you’re at it, too. That would be nice.

Game #532

The title is a lie, you die more than twice.

I searched this with "everybody's tennis" for 20 minutes. really disappointed.


amo demais, mas joga no expert se for jogar.
é óbvio que vc vai começar no easy, mas quando aprender vai pro expert.
a sensação das notas virem em conjunto com as notas reais é única!
Tocar One, Impulse ou My Curse no expert deixa o pau de qualquer um duro.

aliás, esse jogo fez uma criança que só gostava de funk e sertanejo abrir seus horizontes e hoje em dia ouvir de tudo!

Seleção de músicas perfeita, me fez gostar de rock e influenciou muito no meu gosto musical hoje em dia

A maior estrada da terra é a vida?

Em meio a ansiedade de querer jogar tudo ao mesmo tempo — e uma wishlist que já passa dos 100 jogos — para aproveitar 200% das férias de fim de ano, esse jogo foi um respiro, um convite a contemplar o momento e refletir sobre a vida. Neste game, acompanhamos o cotidiano de diferentes pessoas, com diferentes aspirações. Aspirações essas construídas pelo jogador, já que o game não tem diálogos e a narrativa é construída entre você, o estúdio e os personagens dessa história.

A harmonia entre o que você enxerga e o que ouve é transcendental, diversas vezes me peguei, ou fechando os olhos para apreciar a música, ou estasiado com o visual. O mais interessante nisso, é saber que as todas as sensações e reflexões partiram da observação de cotidianos triviais e mundanos, como os nossos. Por que não temos essa mesma habilidade de ter consciência do nosso derredor?

A obra nos convida a viver o que os personagens vivem, a refletir sobre o que eles estão pensando, para onde estão indo, e, mesmo que inconscientemente, nos incentiva a explorar nossas referências e nos dizer que, o que esses seres estão sentindo, pode ser apensar projeção de nossa parte.

Nossas interpretações são fruto do que temos como bagagem. Em uma review aqui no Steam, uma pessoa disse “A vida é triste”, eu, por outro lado, consegui extrair que, a vida, mesmo que com dificuldades, monotonia e luta, pode, sim, ter sua beleza. Look around.

A gameplay é ultra simplificada e os acontecimentos são bem lentos. É um jogo contemplativo. Não espere uma experiência de gameplay inesquecível, mas sim uma história irretocável. Até esperar numa fila tem seu valor aqui no jogo.

A magia da direção e da arte é a maestria em nos manipular, no bom sentido, é claro. Apesar da interpretação ser livre, a música e o cenário te sugerem o que sentir.

Esse jogo consegue trazer uma nostalgia que talvez nunca tenha existido, te faz resgatar sentimentos e construir novas memórias, mas com gostinho de passado. Acredito que esse jogo é 50% música e 50% visual, não consigo imaginar um sem o outro e nem mesmo uma execução diferente.

Se o momento é a única coisa que temos, por que não aproveitá-lo? We’re running out of time.

my ass was sobbing by the time thr credits rolled