While Pokemon's needless determination to innovate gimmicks that really distract from the core battle system that was established so long ago, the world of the Galar region contains lots of nice nods to English culture, combined with the QoL around Wild Areas and pokemon encounters makes for a better game than some of the more recent generations. The departure from the traditional pokemon league is still not something I'm a fan of.

Subnautica delivers a great survival experience with a small helping of incidental horror as you dive deeper and deeper into completely uncharted ocean. A decent story and great soundtrack/visuals help create a really well orchestrated atmosphere of isolation and ocean exploration.

Undertale is a visual novel that takes itself very seriously.

A truly unusual murder mystery game that uses simplistic graphics and sound to create a unique atmosphere.

Outer Wilds is more of an experience than a game; as such, it has some aspects that cause significant player inconvenience, but these are necessary to really cement the setting and atmosphere of the game. The less you read about this game before playing, the better. Overall, a deep and entertaining experience for anyone looking for something thought-provoking.

All Ori 2 needed to do was deliver more of the same in order to create a fantastic sequel, but somehow it manages to make small improvements across the board. As with the first game, it becomes too easy right at the end as you unlock all your powers, but it's still an enchanting game that's a sure must-play

A completely unique experience. Do not read or watch anything about this game; just play it.


Fantastic game, I only wish it was longer.

Solid concept, but pandering to low-skill players causes the combat system to unravel as you become more experienced at the game, leading to degenerate gameplay becoming optimal

Warframe could learn a lot from Destiny 2's gunplay, but similarly it lacks meaningful and rewarding endgame content.

Making frustration fun, DS3's combination of dystopian story, challenging combat, and iconic setting backed by a fantastic score make for a fantastic experience. Both DLC are must-haves.

Brilliant soundtrack and cute visuals, but gameplay became extremely frustrating as time went on. Story began to feel very contrived and lesson-like rather than an organic journey.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Terraria; I really can't fault it

Surprisingly good for an early access game, with very active developers who handled a much larger launch than they anticipated very well. Looks promising!