This was my go-to winding down game after work for a bit. Hopping on my 4K widescreen and seeing the flashy colors and graphics was always a huge treat. I wish there was more variety in enemy types, but otherwise it's just good clean fun.

Playing this as a kid sucked me into another world. I was always shocked by how well the planetary gravity system worked and loved the variety of levels and worlds.

I camped outside Gamestop for this game, and I really don't regret it.

What can I say? It was hyped up for years and it delivered. The physics engine is really neat, the weapon durability forces you to use new strategies, and the runes made for some really cool ways to play the game. The only reason this isn't higher is because of a certain other title...

I have replayed it four times despite having zero inherent replay value. That should tell you all you need to know.

Its imperfections are what makes it perfect. This makes it age like a fine wine. Look at the competitive scene and the raw speed of it all is just so much fun to watch.

This one was just... fine. I enjoyed playing it, but it all kind of got sucked out of my brain afterward. Maybe it's because I'm just too used to the LittleBigPlanet formula. The music levels were super hype though.

It was tough to play this one after playing ROTR honestly. The controls were finicky, and puzzles a bit confusing at times. It is neat for what it is though.

The definitive way to play gen 4 for sure. I played through this one as a way to replay sinnoh and the small changes (quicker health bars, more fire types) made the game smoother to play through, even if just by a smidge.

Cute Wii U freeware but honestly not anything to write home about. The puzzles were fun and the Nintendo charm pulled me in though, and I felt satisfied when it was over.

The switch era of pokemon just isn't doing it for me. I don't like to be a graphics snob, but the animations and textures are still really primitive, and dexxit doesn't help that.

This game is actually eternally relevant. I picked it up in 2011 and still play it today. There are ebbs and flows in interest of course, but mods and multiplayer make for endless content.

Drawing a million circles around pokemon is still fun as an adult. Love this game.

Definitely nostalgia pilled, but I loved this game as a kid. The fossil cleaning system is tough to perfect, and gives you a lot of incentive to take your time. I won't lie, it's harder to replay now that I'm older, but hopefully this game gets more attention in the future.

Great for a mario platformer, and one of my favorites behind galaxy. The Cappy mechanics are genius, and I love watching speed runs of this game. All things considered though, this game was definitely overhyped. It's not a masterpiece, but it is a rollercoaster of Nintendo fun.

This doesn't live up to the original, but it carves out its own identity that I really appreciate. The small-town setting actually grew on me more than I thought it would. It may not be anything special, but I appreciate what they were going for here.