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GirlNamedYou finished Umihara Kawase
A devilish and fiendish experience designed to torment you beyond the limits of your fingers' dexterity. An impressive and forward thinking game in a lot of ways, with an interesting routing system to encourage replayability, impeccable rope physics, and super fun level designs that, if you think you can squonk through in the most fucked way, you almost certainly can. Just wish the enemies didn't respawn jesus fucking christ

9 mins ago

57 mins ago

NOWITSREYNTIME17 commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list Games Where I Have the Top Review
Added Drakengard

1 hr ago

NOWITSREYNTIME17 commented on NOWITSREYNTIME17's list Games Where I Have the Top Review
Added The Legend of Zelda

1 hr ago

NOWITSREYNTIME17 commented on Steinco's review of The Legend of Zelda
Great review! Very excited to play the rest of the series with you guys. And that alttp comment at the end is so true lol

1 hr ago

2 hrs ago

Snigglegros finished X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition
Does it have a double jump? Yes!
(New thing segment in my reviews)

After futzing about with a bunch of games, I finally realized I could play some 7th gen nostalgia with the ps3 emulator, and oh boy, was I ready for some slop. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is just the slop I needed. This game is fine and playable, just some unseasoned chicken you could eat.

Combat stays the same throughout really, although it does feel satisfying to do the same combos for a while, the game does start to get tiring towards the end. The levels aren't very entertaining because they consist of 3 government labs, an outdoor snowy section, and a bunch of ancient ruins in africa. The ancient ruins feel so trite for the 7th gen, and its no exception here because they aren't interesting. There is one more level, which is climbing a tower chasing Gambit, and its a little better, but still not very interesting.

There was one specific memory I had of this game where I got the final boss (Deadpool) caught in an infinite where he coudlnt fight back. All this mid led up to this moment

Also, the CG cutscenes look pretty good I think.

The combat is very repetitive, the bosses are middling, and the levels are mostly hallways and/or backtracking. I get to be Wolverine though and that's pretty dope.

2 hrs ago

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