19 Reviews liked by lluisguay

its like the monster energy of video games

Played this shit during lockdown during those gay ass online classes, RE teacher actually thought I was paying attention when in reality I was dismembering some demons 😂😂

( ) Minecraft
( ) 144p
( ) Pixel Art
(X) Aceitável
( ) Bom
( ) Ótimo
( ) Cada frame foi pintado por Da Vinci

( ) Que história??
( ) Até tem história, mas não entendi nada
( ) Tem história só pra não dizer que não tem
(X) Uma história digna de prestar atenção
( ) Uma história bem elaborada
( ) Mais complexa que Machado de Assis

( ) Tudo travado igual a coluna de uma senhora de 90 anos
( ) Precisa de dois dedos pra jogar
( ) Ruim, mas com muita determinação até que vai
(X) Esquisito no começo, mas você acostuma
( ) Gostoso de jogar
( ) Orgasmo para os dedos/mãos

Trilha sonora
( ) Meu peido faz um barulho mais bonito
( ) Deixa mutado
( ) Nada de especial
( ) Boa
( ) Memorável
(X) Toque isso no meu funeral

Nível de diversão
( ) Tão legal quanto assistir uma poça d'água evaporar
( ) Da pra passar um tempo
( ) Vai te prender por horas!
( ) Vai te dar raiva
(X) Meu mundo melhorou depois de jogar isso aqui
(X) Já amanheceu ???

( ) Praticamente feito pela Bethesda
( ) Dá pra jogar
( ) Os bugs deixam o jogo mais divertido
( ) Alguns bugs
( ) A palavra bug é desconhecida
(X) Esse jogo saiu perfeito do forno

Tempo de jogo
(X) 1-5 horas
( ) 8-15 horas
( ) 24-48 horas
( ) + 100 horas
( ) Multiplayer infinito
( ) One Piece acaba e você ainda não fez tudo

( ) Você adapta a dificuldade
( ) Dá pra zerar vendado e bêbado
( ) Médio
(X) Com um pouco de prática vai
( ) Bem desafiador, as vezes difícil
( ) Soulslike
( ) Você precisa despertar o instinto superior para jogar

Para melhor experiência
( ) Desinstalar
(X) O jogo é Offline
( ) SinglePlayer
( ) Coop
( ) Multiplayer

Vale a pena ?
( ) Arrependimento
( ) Reembolsa isso ai
( ) É bom, mas pra zerar uma vez só
( ) Recomendo!
( ) Bom pra caralho, JOGUEM!
(X) Queria apagar a memória só pra me encantar de novo

jogos a falar espanhol são a minha perdição

This game is proof that innovation is what Nintendo does best. This time they've managed to make the first Kirby game I can hate. Fuck this game.

never played it but Keef stands like the chad in the virgin vs chad meme

This game made a girl I liked all through high school think that I was gay because my friends and I (who were 14) would refer to this game as Asshole Smashers.

We were obsessed with the game and for the longest time we would refer to hanging out after school as "going to go smash assholes" or "gonna go smash" or " have a gay orgy". The Smashing Assholes activity stuck for the entirety of high school; along with 4 years worth of terrible asshole smashing jokes -- that to a completely normal girl who wasn't in on the joke the whole time, might be convinced we were just openly gay and announcing sexual activities from the energy we were bringing to every conversation that involved hanging out and playing video games.

We refused to talk about video games at school without coded language because we went to a Catholic school and our form of rebellion was being as homosexual as possible. The fun part is like five years out of high school, one of my friends from that group announced they WERE gay, which is probably why he used Pink Knight so much. Hell yeah.

Anyway this is Behemoth's best game. You can tell they are not in the biz entirely for money because they could have made like 5 of these and they would have done well.

I wish they would make another. The couch/online co-op game is weak right now.

i thought i was the coolest kid in the school because i got this game when i was 11 altough it was rated 12 and above

A classic, i played this when i was so young that i didnt understand what new game was so i just clicked it every time

no lo juguye todfavia no se quitarlo

Lo que cero coño hace a un hijueputa. Estoy convencido de que el juego es una excusa muy elaborada de suda para sacar un juego de hacerse pajas en la wii

los niveles de los pingüinos eran literalmente metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty

A única coisa que envelheceu mal nesse jogo são os combates contra chefes que são bem mequetrefes.

rayman's pose in this cover is the most gangster shit i've ever seen

Es muy bueno gracias al Conde Ricardo de Ajedrez por inventarlo