Mega Man 4 is a very average game, and doesn’t really excel in anything really. Aside from adding a castle and a charge shot nothing was really new, and it’s quite forgettable.

Mega Man 5 was a badly designed game and I don’t like it. The difficultly goes here or there, and the weapons aren’t worth the time and effort like they usually are. The two castle system is annoying as ever and I really don’t like how cheap the buster is in this game.

Mega Man 6 is a very lazy game, but it still manages to be decent enough to pass. It’s short and easy, but this works for MM6 as a double edge sword as if it was either just one or the other it’s likely that it wouldn’t be as “good” as it is now. Still though, we know Capcom can do better.

Mega man 7 surprised me, after playing both 16 bit Mega Man games I thought I wasn’t going to like any Mega Man game that was a bit over 8, but 7 proved me wrong! The music is wonderful, the bosses are challenging and it’s something that I can play thru over and over again. Mega Man 7 represents what I love about Mega Man, and although it isn’t the best at it, it’s still pretty good for what it does.

Despite some levels being too long, and Wily Stage I, Mega Man 8 is a pretty nice game. It isn’t as good as some of the other games in the series but it certainly isn’t terrible. Everything is quite doable and in the end it’s a fun ride, and only remembered perhaps by its terrible voice acting.

Dragon Quest IX is packed with loads of content, and customization you can simply waste hours on this game without realizing it! The soundtrack maybe nonexistent and the story isn’t award winning. But DQIX easily crawled its way into my heart as one of the best RPGs I have ever played!

Aside from playing as Bass, Mega Man and Bass misses all the points in what makes Mega Man games so great. The levels are often tedious and annoying, levels are on a strict path, and Mega Man just feels shoehorned in this game. This is probably the worst classic Mega Man game I have played.

Honestly don’t know if I liked or disliked Breath of Fire. It has a lot of good ideas, but the second half of the game just came to me looking at a guide to figure out what to do because the game doesn’t tell you at all what to do, it simply doesn’t give direction. I mean, it’s an old gem but the age really shows.

Assassin’s Creed is a good game. Info gathering is rather dull and repetitive, but when you finally get to assassinate your target it’s worth it. However I think Assassin’s Creed truly shines when you just explore the world and create your own fun.

Ace Attorney Investigations is a great spin off. Totally beats Apollo Justice, and I’d say it’s on par with Justice for All as a whole. The new characters Kay and Lang are awesome additions as well. Logic is rather tacked on and the endings to the cases tend to drag a bit, but it’s a fun ride.

This game is a little frustrating in the sense it's a prequel, and you know there are only so many things you can do, and the events that play out later tend to hurt what happens during this playthrough, and that's really all the negative bits I can really think about Yakuza 0. There are little nitpicks here or there with the way a few things are presented, like the actions of certain people trying to be jusified, but overall it doesn't affect what happens through out the game. The game follows Majima and Kiryu both down on their luck looking to be Yakuza again, and each find a place to belong that gives them a different sense of purpose. And of course through heartache, loss, and knowledge that their is more to follow, you know a lot of the game will have a bit of a melancholy tone to it. Like a bitter tea or a sad movie, Yakuza 0 is something to experience, and blends it's pacing well by having both protagonists play an equal part in the story. If you're looking for a good starting point into the Yakuza series, Yakuza 0 is it.