A little gratuitous in its darker themes but with very enjoyable characters, a fantastic few songs and some amazing art this is definitely a gem in the making. Can't wait for episode 3! - 2023

A major step up from the first mod, and it really stops feeling like a mod. This is a lot of good content for completely free. Can't recommend it enough.

Painful. This game wasn't finished, I refuse to believe it was. Not only did I have multiple crashes, the game is absolute dogshit. It is braindead to the point of boredom with some of the most frustrating yet soul crushingly boring gameplay I've ever experienced. There are no combos, no anything. There is nothing to this game at all. The final boss is completely shit, well all the bosses are but the final one is the nugget of corn on the shit cake that is this fucking game. Fuck this game. I will NEVER touch this shit again. - 2022

Holy shit this game was dated as fuck. Very wonky as fuck with some dogshit camera angles and some ungodly awful fights. The Griffin fights were awful, honestly most of the fights I didn't enjoy much except for the Nelo Angelo fights. Those were definitely the best. The times besides the boss fights were alright. The game was okay, I'd say for the time it was probably better but playing it in current year, maybe not worth it. Definitely skip this if you wanna play Devil May Cry. Story was virtually nonexistant to the point of not even making sense. Trish and Dante developed a relationship despite not spending time together at all. It definitely was a game I suppose. Summed up; Story sucks, gameplay's okay, graphics and sound were aight but definitely not worth your time. Will probably never touch this one again. - 2022

One of the best western RPGs I've played. Combat is engaging and fun to mess with, depending on your skills and such, it can be vastly different. The story shines very well with interesting dialouge, a plot that keeps you invested and one of the coolest twists I've seen in an RPG. There are issues with certain dialouge not being what I would actually want to say, where it feels the developers forced me to say something I felt my character wouldn't. I played Dark Side which the game didn't feel too made for, dark side options on quests just don't typically give you the content of light side quests. This could've been solved by having more quests that are only doable depending on your alignment, like the Genoharadan questline. The endgame Star Forge also sucked ass with annoying respawning enemies and a final boss that had a cool mechanic but was ultimately lackluster. Despite all this the game was very fun and kept me invested. - 2022

I had a lot of thoughts playing this game and writing them all down would bloat up this notepad, I might actually review it on steam and leave a link here for my full thoughts or copy paste etc. This is one of the best metroidvanias I've ever played making a combat style like Hollow Knight mixing with world design and story only comparable to Dark Souls. It has extremely fun exploration and combat with only a few sour notes here and there with a cool crypticness to secrets that were more of a downside I feel. It houses my new favorite boss in any 2D metroidvania and despite how much I raged Isidora is a fantastic fight that I adore and almost want to do again and again. - 2022

Consider this a full review of Intergrade and base Remake. This is one of the best action RPGs I've played and it's an interesting and fun retelling of one of my favorite JRPGs of all time. The music is fantastic, the gameplay is fun and frantic with tons of options of how you want to build your characters, and the story is incredibly engaging with lots of fun moments and cool characters. This is what I thought of the BASE game and Intergrade as a DLC really ups the anti with how fun Yuffie is to use. It really gets me hyped for Rebirth. Can't recommend enough, but maybe play the original first.

A fantastic start to a mystery and a horribly sad start for someone who watched the anime. A must read.

A rather frustrating game with elements of purposeful poor design or maybe those moments were well designed to fuck with you. Amazing gameplay with lots of fun mechanics, the idea of bio upgrades was very cool but ultimately falls flat as I only felt like I needed to use the 4 I had chosen. Its aesthetic can't be beat, one of the ugliest yet prettiest games I've played. A very high recommendation from me. - 2022

Since I played both I wrote individual reviews for each game, as a whole though this remake is a solid 9.

Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil -- 7/10 [NOTES] Played this for the first time using the remaster, since I never played the PS2 release I can't compare but I can compare it to Klonoa 1 which I've played a lot of. Klonoa 2 has a shorter jump, it takes way longer to move, shoot and do anything than it did in Klona 1. The game is slower paced and it feels like it's the "stereo typically" ps2 2.5D platformer. None of this is inherently bad, but coming from the fast paced platforming of Klonoa 1 to 2 feels a lot worse. The environments for levels is incredibly varied but the problem seeps it when the game starts having you revisit levels with different conditions. Klonoa 1 did this as well but not nearly as many times as Klonoa 2 does it. Not that these revisits are worse or better than the original, but it does get stale when I played for around 5 hours, did everything and didn't see as much as I wanted to. Klonoa 1 does the better job than 2. I'm currently replaying Klonoa 1 and will mention anything if my revisit finds me more fond of 2 than 1.

Klonoa Door to Phantomile [Replay of Remaster] -- 9/10 [NOTES] Pretty damn fuckin good, ps1 release is always and will always be a 10. The updated visuals are fantastic, much more noticeable coming from 2 to 1 as 1 was pixelated ps1 sprites. The gameplay itself is still the fun game it was on the ps1, albeit I found this version to be more floaty than the original, with a few issues with inputs though I'm willing to blame my controller. Highly recommend, though maybe play the ps1 version :3

Enjoyable but I'm definitely not a fan of beat'em ups like this game. I liked the style, graphics and ideas of it being similar to an actual D&D game but it's story is still that of a beat'em up so if you don't like the style of gameplay then it'll fall flat. - 2022

One of the most flawed Fromsoft games I've played since Dark Souls 2. Some of the worst bosses with the world's shittiest balancing I've seen. Ashes are broken yet without them the game's annoyingly difficult instead of fun difficult. Openworld is full of copy paste bullshit as are the bosses, honestly 95% of the bosses would be better off removed. Neutered strenghth and made the most viable build bleed frost katanas. Lack of decent weapons along with absolutely broken performance on launch, patch 1.03 is a joke. Very interesting lore with some impressive high points but way too many lowpoints to be good in any way. "You're playing the game wrong." - 2022

For a mod? Pretty stellar in the beginning and it kinda gets lackluster towards the end. Still fun nonetheless, though in later sections playing on Nightmare was definitely not worth it. Reason I say that is because the massive damage increase made hit scan attacks like the final boss's enough to make me wanna break something. The final boss was honestly not being very enjoyable at all. My issues might have been skill related though so I'd recommend a starting run on normal.

Some of the best writing I've ever seen in a video game. Definitely the funniest writing I've seen as well. Can't recommend this enough!