I had a lot of thoughts playing this game and writing them all down would bloat up this notepad, I might actually review it on steam and leave a link here for my full thoughts or copy paste etc. This is one of the best metroidvanias I've ever played making a combat style like Hollow Knight mixing with world design and story only comparable to Dark Souls. It has extremely fun exploration and combat with only a few sour notes here and there with a cool crypticness to secrets that were more of a downside I feel. It houses my new favorite boss in any 2D metroidvania and despite how much I raged Isidora is a fantastic fight that I adore and almost want to do again and again. - 2022

A rather frustrating game with elements of purposeful poor design or maybe those moments were well designed to fuck with you. Amazing gameplay with lots of fun mechanics, the idea of bio upgrades was very cool but ultimately falls flat as I only felt like I needed to use the 4 I had chosen. Its aesthetic can't be beat, one of the ugliest yet prettiest games I've played. A very high recommendation from me. - 2022

I replayed this to beat all the bosses and make sure I really hated it. After 30 hours I can firmly say, I hate this game. - 2022

One of the most flawed Fromsoft games I've played since Dark Souls 2. Some of the worst bosses with the world's shittiest balancing I've seen. Ashes are broken yet without them the game's annoyingly difficult instead of fun difficult. Openworld is full of copy paste bullshit as are the bosses, honestly 95% of the bosses would be better off removed. Neutered strenghth and made the most viable build bleed frost katanas. Lack of decent weapons along with absolutely broken performance on launch, patch 1.03 is a joke. Very interesting lore with some impressive high points but way too many lowpoints to be good in any way. "You're playing the game wrong." - 2022

After a 60+ hour playthrough of New Vegas, I'm still not even finished with all the content I want to experience. This game has such depth in not only its storytelling but its world as well. Exploring the Mojave is one of the most enjoyable things I can think of when I think of open world games. The content it provides is truly masterful and packed to the brim. Each DLC is amazing, even with the issues I have with each. I don't even know what I can say, New Vegas is the closest you can get to a perfect game. Also should mention, there's still so much content I haven't done. I should do what I missed at some point but I must admit after 60 hours I'm a little tired and want to play something else lol. - 2022

I feel like this game has some fucked up aim but idk, it's pretty fun at times but frustrating a lot as well. It's not bad probably, but it did get me angry enough to make me doubt my positive thoughts. I reccommend it, pretty cool story and aesthetic. - 2022

Pretty fun, very easy on normal and probably better on harder difficulties. Story makes no sense but the characters were fun to watch and the jokes did make me smile. I wouldn't say Killer is Dead is a super special game but it's a fun one. I also didn't do the dating sim missions because I had no idea I needed to lmao. Good game. - 2022

Very clear the game went through development issues and was EXTREMELY short, nonetheless very fun and challenging gameplay and Armstrong is the best final boss ever. - 2022

One of the best western RPGs I've played. Combat is engaging and fun to mess with, depending on your skills and such, it can be vastly different. The story shines very well with interesting dialouge, a plot that keeps you invested and one of the coolest twists I've seen in an RPG. There are issues with certain dialouge not being what I would actually want to say, where it feels the developers forced me to say something I felt my character wouldn't. I played Dark Side which the game didn't feel too made for, dark side options on quests just don't typically give you the content of light side quests. This could've been solved by having more quests that are only doable depending on your alignment, like the Genoharadan questline. The endgame Star Forge also sucked ass with annoying respawning enemies and a final boss that had a cool mechanic but was ultimately lackluster. Despite all this the game was very fun and kept me invested. - 2022

A little gratuitous in its darker themes but with very enjoyable characters, a fantastic few songs and some amazing art this is definitely a gem in the making. Can't wait for episode 3! - 2023

A complex, misleading and interpative game of true mystery. Amazing characters, a perfect soundtrack and some of the best writing I've ever read. I cannot describe in words how good Umineko is. - 2023

This series means a lot to me after reading it, I may only have been a fan for a short while now but I can firmly say Umineko is my favorite story in all of media. A perfect tale about love, death, trauma and acceptance. A story that tries to show not only it's characters, but you the reader, that magic does exist. Magic to bring yourself happiness exists within you, the truth is more than just one slab of stone halting you, it's a statue to behold with so much to interpret from. There's so much more to mysteries, to life, to yourself as a person than just what reality shows. Accepting the truth, and finding your own happiest path, your own world to live how you like, those are the themes of Umineko. What compliments these themes are some of the most interesting and devious mysteries and logic puzzle's I've ever seen. I genuinely love everything about Umineko and I hazard to find a single flaw in this entire masterwork of writing, reasoning, and emotion. Actual peak. - 2023

An actual masterpiece, even with its age in certain regards it still holds up as not only one of the best Zelda games but as one of the best games of all time. - 2023

A damn good game I've been missing out on for years. It's easy, but fun nonetheless. Only issue is how it can feel like there's a lot of cut content. I can't say whether or not I'd feel the same if I had 100%ed it. - 2023