First half feels flat, game improves as it goes on, although it has moments where it occasionally feels misplaced. Junction system is fine but tends to lead to not using magic. I found refining magic to be a more fun process than drawing magic. Story is great mostly, music is superb.

One of the best stories/music in video games. Only issue is that combat is a bit boring but otherwise it is a very good game.

Might be the best in the souls franchise apart from maybe DS1. The best setting in the franchise with some really good combat. An issue with it personally is that the map can be a bit confusing to navigate on a new playthrough, although it becomes better later on.

A very good first playthrough game, I imagine my thoughts will change a lot on a replay but this was one of the only open world games to capture me in its environment and it's bosses are pretty good usually. Only issues are balancing issues, with the endgame feeling a bit off for me personally.

The story is the main appeal of this game. I have issues with how the new content was added, particularly that of the content near the end. Otherwise, one of my favourite stories/music in video games.

A very pleasant departure from the souls gameplay whilst remaining somewhat similar. Very satisfying combat, although some would say it has little depth. Very good game.

A very good story combined with pretty easy but fun RTS style gameplay. The characters are fun and the plot has many twists. Give it a go.

Very fun progression combined with very good music and a modding community which adds a ton of content to a game already brimming with content. Only issue is that the game kind of suddenly ends after the final boss.

The first of the GAA games. A very good game, I honestly can't think of many flaws beside the sequel. It is incredibly good and is a standalone from the rest of the franchise so it's good for newcomers.

A very good narrative combined with some of the most interesting writing I have seen in a video game. This game is inherently political and as such any Gamers would probably dislike it. It has some excellent writing however so I would encourage anyone to give it a try.

A game about some very likable people trapped in a very interesting ship. I like the characters in this game a lot. The music is pretty good and the story is genuinely pretty good. A big recommend.

Might be my favourite fps, extremely fast, cool tech, only issue is that it isn't finished yet.

One of my first ever games, I like this game a lot due to nostalgia, I love the exploration and dungeons, the music. Honestly it's just a very good complete package.

The best RE game, very fun combat, an interesting environment and an actually good companion who doesn't ruin the experience. Very, very good.