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1 hr ago

mayaheemayahoo reviewed Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
"You exercise your right to 'freedom' and this is the result."
Metal Gear Solid 2 is the biggest lie ever told in gaming.
I have never seen a game with so much narrative ambition like
MGS. Theres alot to go on about regarding how it recognises its nature and fanbase expectations on it as a "sequel" to one of the most influential and acclaimed videogames of all time, but instead opts to subvert it completely. It tackles so many things at once: the nature of love, identity, digital information, truth and facts, post-modernism, reality and fiction, escapism, free will, legacy and if its nature is even worth leaving behind. Yet, it all loops back to MGSi's core messages at the end about carving your own path in life, free from outside influences.
To put it simply, Metal Gear Solid 2 is the most "anti MGS" sequel and the most "MGSi" sequel at the same time. It intentionally parodies the events of MGSi so closely on a surface level but utterly misses what makes those moments so special, and thats the point.
The game is all about carving out your own legacy, regardless of how real or fake your past is. Thats the only way we can leave any trace of life on this earth, not by imposing our ideals or genes on others but rather through stories of what we've seen, heard felt.
Anger, joy and sorrow. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing.
MGS is a must play for anyone looking for proof of the artistic integrity that the gaming medium can offer. Its story is prophetic and meaningful, its gameplay is a complete overhaul of the first game's clunky combat and it has one of my favourite final acts in all of gaming that I really CANNOT spoil for you if youve managed to avoid spoilers until now, that is). Bravo Kojima!
I wish the colonel was less mean 2 meπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

1 hr ago

mayaheemayahoo finished Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
"You exercise your right to 'freedom' and this is the result."
Metal Gear Solid 2 is the biggest lie ever told in gaming.
I have never seen a game with so much narrative ambition like
MGS. Theres alot to go on about regarding how it recognises its nature and fanbase expectations on it as a "sequel" to one of the most influential and acclaimed videogames of all time, but instead opts to subvert it completely. It tackles so many things at once: the nature of love, identity, digital information, truth and facts, post-modernism, reality and fiction, escapism, free will, legacy and if its nature is even worth leaving behind. Yet, it all loops back to MGSi's core messages at the end about carving your own path in life, free from outside influences.
To put it simply, Metal Gear Solid 2 is the most "anti MGS" sequel and the most "MGSi" sequel at the same time. It intentionally parodies the events of MGSi so closely on a surface level but utterly misses what makes those moments so special, and thats the point.
The game is all about carving out your own legacy, regardless of how real or fake your past is. Thats the only way we can leave any trace of life on this earth, not by imposing our ideals or genes on others but rather through stories of what we've seen, heard felt.
Anger, joy and sorrow. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing.
MGS is a must play for anyone looking for proof of the artistic integrity that the gaming medium can offer. Its story is prophetic and meaningful, its gameplay is a complete overhaul of the first game's clunky combat and it has one of my favourite final acts in all of gaming that I really CANNOT spoil for you if youve managed to avoid spoilers until now, that is). Bravo Kojima!
I wish the colonel was less mean 2 meπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

22 hrs ago

mayaheemayahoo commented on paradiso's review of Halo: Combat Evolved
Yeah but when rgg studios reuses assets its "raw kino goat swag"

1 day ago

1 day ago

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