oh baby how they've hurt you...

chrom... chrom i need you to touch me Chrom. Chrom no more war please. Please chrrom i dont care about ylisse i need your touch The story for this game blows but its dumb fun with hot men please chrom we dont have to go to war

there will never be another game that encapsulates the pure melancholy of reach. playing reach on solo legendary brings such a raw, genuine hopelessness that perfectly fits the story and makes the campaign even more immersive. fuck long night of solace though

What if we hired children to finish our game for us and just didnt pay any of them. Lol

i yearn to be called slurs in public lobbies again

game about a himbo going through twinkification and getting the girl. My favorite

if you have adhd you will not put this game down even if someone is blowing you while you play

waht if we.. completely reinvented the wheel of our first succesful game, making this one tank in sales. Lets do it

i used my dad's phone number to buy NX in this game for like $15 in 2013 and i got in trouble

Anybody wanna do any nightdfalls.. Anybody wanna do any nightfalls fellas its 2015 and i have GOT to get my light level up. Anybody up nighting they falls tonight boys. Anybody... please.... IM stuck in a hole brothers i need to night my fall

ok no jokes for this one this is just unironically amazing thanks

miyazaki sir, the fanbase loved the fast paced combat in bloodborne. should we port it to pc?

No. we will make the new dark souls fast like bloodborne instead. Can you give me a back massage btw