though very slow-paced, the last few cases made it so worth it. it has that classic ace attorney wit that i know and love <3 i will say that the first cases (especially the second one) are a bit of a slog, but it does pick up the pace, so give it a shot!

an incredible, tight-knit trilogy of loveable characters and engaging stories! it left me saddled with unnecessary... feelings

i really didnt expect to love this game so much, but i just couldnt stop smiling. the mystery was really refreshing and the characters were so fun. its silly and nonsensical and lovely. just dont play it on switch if u have any other console

its hard to say what hasnt been said a million times the past half-year! a fantastic sequel that was so, so worth the wait.

a really sweet game with stunning art, go check it out!


reallyyyyy boring and incredibly predictable

this is a nothing burger of a game, theres no reason to play this. gross shock value with no substance.

a fantastic version of p3 in a more visual-novel-like format. perfect for a replay! femc <3

playing this after shadows of valentia was such a whiplash i honestly couldnt get more than a couple hours in because it was so obnoxious. i just cant stand the writing and dialogue. if youre just in it for the gameplay, knock urself out

i love games brimming with ambition. playing through each route brought me so much joy-- the characters, the unit customization, the clashing of ideals. it was all rlly refreshing! highly recommend.

a heartwarming and nostalgic game that makes me smile

i played since launch for a good 2 years but im glad i left it behind. it was charming for a while, and i had fun in the community, but then it quicky spiraled into a superficial mess that failed to flesh out its cast, stretched out its story, and just piled on more and more until it became a slog to pick up.

ive played this game for 2.5 years and ive probably spent like a collective $300 (including merch) on it... it consumed my life. nevertheless the characters are charming and nuanced, and the writing can be so thoughtful and genuine. i recommend reading the stories, especially the older ones! just stay away from the gacha if u value ur sanity

when i was 13 i emulated persona 3 on my shitty laptop at about 10 fps, saving and loading because i was horrible at the game, and it changed my life.

the story is just p5's in a different font and the gameplay can get pretty repetitive. but if u love the p5 cast im sure youll have a good time! would have been better with akechi