18 Reviews liked by metis

It's good. Probably my favorite combat in the Souls trilogy, feels fast yet weighty. Only two complaints:
-Holy Desaturated Color Palette, Batman!
-Sucks off DS1 at every opportunity

unhinged madness. It's pretty fucking great if you're not a pansy little bitch.

baby's first nitroplus. i think the tone and style and presentation pulled me in so much i was willing to look past the lack of substance (or should i say MEAT) in the script. thankfully, there's a lot more games like this that are more tightly written and fleshed out.

A good game, repetitive music but nothing else to complain.
Also the game is not finished, currently at the time of this review there are only 2 chapters.
The game gets a lot of hate for portraying incest as normal, when the fact that the characters portray it as normal tells you how fucked in the head they are before they start all their madness.

I'm glad The Coffin of Andy and Leyley achieved notoriety for its incestuous undertones (or overtones, rather), because it wouldn't have come to my attention otherwise. These depraved siblings are a delight to spend time with.

But it would take more than a hot murderer/cannibal/sister/lover/judge/jury/executioner to get me to play this game. What really caught my eye was the striking art style of the character portraits - it was love at first sight. Every time there's an event image, it's an absolute joy to see - the character designs are just that gorgeous.

I adore how this game looks, and I also love how it talks. Coffin is dark, irreverent, funny and refreshing. It carries a wit sharper than a meat cleaver, yet it also has a tragic underbelly that evokes pathos.

Look, hear me out. I know this game has attracted a lot of flak simply for its twisted themes. It's linear, has little to no loss conditions, and some might say it's not much of a game. But it's an absolute delight to play through because it tells a good story. It made me feel the same way as when I'm reading a book I can't put down - at the end, my only problem was that I couldn't play the rest of it immediately. I eagerly await the next two chapters of this psychotic Bonnie and Clyde story.

Honestly one of the underated games of the series, I absolutely love it.

game made by money grubbing half-jew russians



so u play as a suicidal twink yea thats all i have to say

Best Fromsoft game, best combat and some of the best bosses.

the best fromsoftware game but no one is ready to have this conversation

FPS games where their gimmick is playing fast are so lame.

Probably the most pathetic and predictable piece of shit that Bungie has created for Destiny 2. I feel fortunate that a friend got the expansion for us both, but I feel incredibly sad that he spent money on this fucking garbage. There were a few missions in the campaign that were cool, but other than that, the entire story was abysmal. I've been playing Destiny since 2014 and this expansion was absolutely laughable.

Zavala - "We've watched so many die for this war."
my buddies - "No they didn't. We saw like 4 people die."

'Hey let's suck out a lot of the soul from the original!'

Whoever decided to replace the best Souls OST with the new music should never be in charge of games. At least they didn't fuck with the gameplay. Graphics are amazing, too.

game too hard -someone who didn't beat the tutorial boss

Wait this wasn’t even developed by Mojang? So literally all Mojang has been doing is making garbage updates for Minecraft? With their ≈600 employees? Across 2 studios? After being bought out by Microsoft for $2.5 billion?