The magic of the game is the constant pull the gameplay loop gets you into - use, abuse, discard, explore. It's wistful, quietly hopeful, and is confident in how it encourages players to organically discover its secrets. An unforgettable game, through and through.

The zenith of playable action-adventure movies - the pacing is sublime, the action is snappy, and what really seals it is the excellent and empathetic character work in the narrative.

The amount of ideas in this game is staggering - Mouri and his team fire a gatling gun of level design concepts and platforming gimmicks all with the intent of delighting the player. The Wonder Seed effects are unique and surprising, and although they focus more on spectacle than on challenge, it's hard to not just be locked into this game with a smile on your face. Nintendo EPD once again makes mastery look easy.

There's something refreshing about a lightweight, brisk, and laid back RPG. It feels like comfort food and it's the first time I've played the game.

The game is perhaps chattier than it needs to be and takes a few hours to get going, but the combat system is addicting and satisfying.

It's bite-sized, easy-going, and the puzzles are satisfying, albeit not particular head scratchers. The B story winds up wholesome and since the main mechanic of the game is reading notes for clues, the way the B story is told doesn't feel out of place or extraneous.

The little open world is enjoyable to explore, and it has a solid progression of new areas unlocking. The NPC characters are chattier than they need to be, and some of the platforming is a bit clunky, but this is a nice little adventure.


Charming visuals, brisk dialogue, and observation-based puzzles all add up quite nicely - and it doesn't overstay its welcome.

A distillation of what makes an open world game satisfying. It captures the feeling of adventure and borderless exploration whilst keeping the scope and scale intimate. The cute characters and emotional narrative complete the package. I really do love this game.

Perfectly captures the feel of a Saturday morning cartoon. The music rhythm mechanic is joyful to lock into and everything oozes with charm.

The visuals are clear and it's easy to pick up the gameplay loop, but the game's set ups for challenges are more frustrating than they are compelling.

It's over the top in its drama, which is perfect for the tone of this playable music album. It's perhaps more satisfying to watch and listen to rather than actually interact with - although said visuals and music are worth the price of admission.

Remarkably addictive and satisfying to play, with a low floor and a high ceiling. Despite somewhat bland character graphics and battle animations, the UX is snappy and appealing.


The story is excellent and heartfelt. It's not necessarily treading new ground but it walks that path with dignity and accuracy. The cooking is satisfying and fairly tactile, but also simple enough to jump into.

I feel like there were some missed opportunities to explore the main mechanic - the fundamentals of light puzzle solving in figuring out the recipes are sound, but so few dishes are made that this doesn't really build on itself. Indian cooking is actually kind of perfect for this kind of repetition for mastery - most dishes have similar bases and build on it in different ways.

It seems the devs wanted to focus more on the story aspect, but I think they could have enhanced that even more by doing more of that storytelling through the cooking.

The simple act of watching little creatures under your command carry objects ten times their size never gets old. Refined, fun, and matched with a lovely aesthetic.