wish there was more of a focus on the relaxing part of driving

It feels like they were trying to create three games at the same time and put them into one and every single part of it fights with another.

this company named remedy entertainment keeps making bangers and showing up everyone at geoff's showcases

A very neat 2-3 hour experience with 3 episodes with 3 different protagonists, all taken from Poison Pill's Remedy's games but given a charming, campy night drama twist. It's not similar to the vanilla game in terms of atmosphere and tension, leaning a lot more into its levity, but that doesn't mean it's not bad. Environments from the base game are taken and remolded to fit whatever wacky reality is there, and they look absolutely stunning. I used the free photo mode they added at least ten times. If you like Alan Wake II, play this. Hell if you like any of Remedy's works, play this.

play this game obsessively for a week, stop playing for 2 years straight

military propaganda that works

real doubting in shadows gameplay

it's like they made this game for me

the coolest one of the trilogy