The game is fun, but got repetitive quickly. The character interactions are quite enjoyable, especially with the japanese voice acting charm, but it isn´t enough for me to endure the grinding insanity bonanza. Shauna kicked my fucking ass for 5 days that the point am writing this and after trying multiple party compositions and multiple inspection trips, I reached my limit lmfao BUT THE MUSIC IS PEAK

Man MAN this game. I started my journey back in 2023, almost finished it, and then my PS3 suddenly stopped turning on. After some pondering, I decided to set it aside for a while since I didn´t had enough money to hand it to someone for it to be fixed. 8 months passed. And then LOW AND BEHOLD THE MACHINE FIXED ITSELF LMFAO?????

The last dungeon was TORTURE I will hear that god damn trumpet of death on my nightmares. WHEN I CATCH YOU WHITE RIDER!!!! WHEN I CATCH YOU!!!

Besides that, this game is mountains and bounds better than the first one. The music is great (Shoji Meguro the goat), I loved Narumi and Tae even more. The themes of responsibility and the balancing between what you want to do and your duties is quite well discussed, proxy of SMT to handle these deep topics, all tho the game does have its fun moments.

I have been wanting to finish this game since I was 7 years old, with too much free time and an PS2 disc full of snes roms. When Akira Toriyama sensei passed, as much as I don´t have a love for Dragon Ball as everyone else, I thought it would be a great way to finally finish this game.
He was a great part of my childhood. His art was always beloved in my country and I always felt captured by the wonderful worlds he created or helped to create, and with Chrono Trigger it is no different.

What is left to say about this masterpiece? The music,the characters, the writing, the dialog, the level design, the art, the beautiful scenery and expressive sprites, the amazing, fun, emotional, heartbreaking and that the same time hopeful narrative... Everything I have heard about it and more.

One of the best gaming experiences I have ever had in my life. Picked up this game almost 10 years ago, and completing it now feels like I really did something great, a great adventure and a great journey.

The game is colorful, the sprite work is beautiful, The songs, the characters and the level design are really fun. The tributes to past Zelda games are so clever too. Capcom outdid themselves again. But if I had one complain, it would be the god damn gactha figurine minigame. Locking a heart container behind such bongus mechanics was kinda bs, but besides that, Minish Cap is great. Peak Zelda.

This was so fun. The music is great, I loved Apollo and the other new characters, especially Trucy, shes adorable. You can't go wrong with Ace Attorney.

The game just isn´t for me. The history was so slow, the movement was also dated. I couldn´t connect with the characters and the combat was kinda repetitive.
The lack of a compenium was also a down point to me, tho I know it has one with the Overclocked release on the 3ds but I don´t have any machines that can run it.

Besides the music (that is really fucking good) I will probably get to know how it ends trough some youtube retrospective or something.

The gameplay IS SO SLOW. The combat is kinda addcting but really really slow. If you going to play this over Reunion, please put some cheats on for Battle Speed and Field Speed, no one is gonna judge you, please. The chartacters are fun, but I think Genesis was a little over the top lmfao.

Besides that, when the story picks up its pace, IT PICKS UP man. If you are a FFVII fan, this game is a must. Especially the final parts, pulls your heart strings really tight.

It totally deserves all the praise it gets and more. An amazing adventure that trully shows its age, but still memorable and fun. Also fuck the Water Temple, that thing is bad bad

We eat some delicious food, meet some old friends and kill god that the end with an sick ass sword and final pose. 10/10

One of the most high regarded video games of all time, and for a reason. Even people who don´t know much about video games are familiar with Cloud´s and Sephiroth´s faces.

Saying that this game is a masterpiece is beating a dead horse that this point, but I think all arguments about how good this is just proves its a piece of media you have to experience that least once.

This game is such a culmination of everything Nick and the others went trough. From the music, to the writing, to the new backgrounds and characters, its just so catartic to watch everything coming together.

My favorite from the original trillogy for sure.


This game just REFUSES to end, and when it finally does, is underwhelming. The best level was The Great Wall and after that its just a slog to get trough. I literally had to find a save file for the Tibetan Foothills right before the ending because I accidentally exploded the vehicle I needed to progress while killing an enemy.

I didn´t had fun and was constantly searching up guides just to know were to go. Some levels like Offshore Rig and its subsequent water levels looked pretty much the same and that destroyed underwater artistic direction they went with got boring really fast.

For how the community praised this game, I expected much more.

Now I understand why so many people call this a classic. A masterpiece, but not a timeless one. The game is fun, some times intuitive, and I have to admit I got frustrated many times because I didn't knew were to go, but I can say that there's a reason so many Zeldas after this followed on A Link To The Past footsteps.

The sprites are beautiful, the dungeons are well made (besides that insanity of the Thief's Lair and The Ice Palace), oh and SO MANY ITEMS! the music is amazing too! You will get some of them stuck in your head too since many are now series staples.

I would recommend this to some one that wants to know the franchises history but thinks that Zelda 1 and 2 are a bit archaic. You will not regret it!

It took me many years of avoiding this game due to lack of accessibility or disinterest since the community praise was always kinda suffocating. When Dryano released this hack I thought it was the right time to give it a chance, and with the following mechanic and the fps cap gone even on original hardware it was almost perfect.

With the release of Brilliant Diamond and Shinning Pearl the discourse that Renegade Platinum was the best way to experience Sinnoh got even louder, it was now or never. And the weren't wrong.
Renegade is THE Pokemon game to play on this day and age. It is hard but gives all the tools to make it fun. Competitive items, improved stats for each pokemon until Sinnoh, fairy type, new methods of evolution for trade pokemon, new events, new teams for all npcs, new randomized teams for elite 4, smarter AI, less HMs needed to progress and THE BIGGEST improvement of them all: An npc to train, evs, ivs and experience.

Truly an fun, challenging game indeed. If you were kinda let down with the current stage of the franchise, PLEASE play Renegade, it will make you fall in love with pokemon all over again.