This game is good and people need to stop saying that Sonic had a rough 3D transition. It's okay to like a Sonic game!!! He had about the same quality as most other games at the time, if anything it's impressive how good this game looks for the year it came out and Sonic and most of the other characters feel great. For a Sonic game the story isn't too bad, but replaying the same cutscenes and some of the same levels does get a little repetitive. Also I think the goofy and dumb looking cutscenes are pretty funny and charming, whether it was intentional or not. The gameplay for the most part of the game is pretty fun, and I didn't outright hate any of the campaigns. Big's was definitely the worst but I don't know, I think he's a silly guy and his whole plot with the importance of his frog was pretty funny. Gamma's campaign shocked me, I thought the gameplay was pretty entertaining I just wish he was a bit faster I guess. Sonic and Knuckles definitely had the best campaigns though, I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion to like the Knuckles sections of the Adventure games but I don't know I think they're pretty entertaining and Knuckles feels great to traverse with. The worst part of the camera though is definitely the camera, it's pretty annoying at times and unfortunately this is an issue with a lot of games at the time, but sometimes it seemed like the camera just straight up bugged out. Also, that first level kicks ass. Anyways, I really enjoyed my time with this game despite it's flaws.

Sonic's campaign: 9/10
Tails' campaign: 7/10
Knuckles' campaign: 8/10
Amy's campaign: 6/10
Big's campaign: 4/10
E-102's campaign: 8/10
Overall: 7/10

I mean, I saw the credits roll so I technically beat it, but there is so much more to do, and before I give a more proper review I would want to 100% the game or atleast get the true ending.
But in the mean time, this game has been such a fun experience, I played it on and off for months and I loved every moment with it. I love the beautiful environments and world, the gameplay, and just everything about everything. This is my perfect relaxation title and I don't see that ever changing.

This game controls are pretty bad, it's short as hell, which can work, see Kirby's Dream Land, but it was weird here since it was basically a little longer than the length of a single world in a newer Mario title. The proportions of Mario and the surrounding environment is really weird too. But I don't know, it wasn't the worst game I've ever played, and I think some of the ideas like the bosses and enemies and power ups were cool and I'd like to see some of them revitalized today, like some of the enemies from Super Mario Bros. 2/USA. 3/10

This game isn't worth 60 dollars, it's really buggy to an unreasonable degree, and the levels are really inconsistent. It looks pretty nice for the first full 2.5D Sonic title since Sonic 4, but I'm a sucker for gorgeous pixel art like Sonic Mania and 3&K, but it's not a huge deal and doesn't really dampen my opinions of the game. The power ups are cool but I wish there was more uses for them in actual levels that wasn't just spamming them to try to cheese a boss. But overall, it's about on the same level as Sonic 1 for me, mainly due to both of the games' inconsistencies in level design.

This game is stupidly fun and the gameplay and traversal are fucking phenomenal. The story definitely is weaker in this game, especially in the third act (and I'm not a huge fan of this charaterization of Venom), but I had a lot of fun through the whole thing. I'll have to replay the first one eventually, but I think because this game has a weaker story, the first one is probably still slightly above for me. 8/10


Everything about this game is top notch. The way the roguelite gameplay is handled, the story, the upgrades, the characters, the weapons, the bosses, the art style, the soundtrack, and the combat are perfect. The adrenaline rush my final run gave me was unbelievable and I could barely ask for a better game, truly a masterpiece. 10/10

This game, while better than the first in most aspects, still has a lot of inconsistencies and has a pretty tedious and unfun final boss that soured some of my experience with the game. 6/10

Very cute and fun. It's relatively short, but I didn't mind it. The worst part of the game is probably that almost all of the levels are pretty forgettable. I like this game for what it is, but overall it's very average. Probably more like a 4/10 but the final part of the game bumps it up for me. 5/10

Better than the first in literally every way and has more of the quirky stuff that I like about that game. But it still controls kinda weird and most of the levels are pretty forgettable. I liked it for what it was though. 5/10

You go into Mario's balls and that's pretty cool.

A start to a great series but pretty inconsistent, I enjoyed my time with it though for the most part, and the bosses are pretty good. Overall though I'm not a fan of the series being like as much of a precision platformer as this game is. 5/10

This game was a ton of fun. To get my negatives out of the way, I really did not like most of the characters and they felt like one big trope pretty often, especially Chai and his dynamic with Peppermint. For how cool the world is aesthetically and conceptually, I wish there was more to the characters and the story itself. I also wasn't a huge fan of how the movement felt, which kind of ruined a lot of the platforming sections for me. Lastly, I wish the upgrades were a little more essential to the main story. I know there is a lot of post-game content, but I didn't really feel like I absolutely had to upgrade anything for any sake besides my rank, and even then I got mainly A ranks the whole game with just the simple light combos and heavy combos. Regardless of my few nitpicks and negatives, this game is a ton of fun and I quickly began to love it's absolutely beautiful visuals, and extremely fluid combat. Hi-Fi Rush is truly such a great game, especially for it's original shadow drop release. 8/10

Genuinely have little-to-no complaints and I loved every bit of everything.