Going into this game, I have never played or known much about Resident Evil before. But my god this was genuinely one of the best games I've ever played and is my game of the year (even if it might be a bit of a cop out). Everything about the world was so interesting and the combat itself was very fun. I'm pretty shocked that I was a fan of the resource management in this game, but this game handled it perfectly. For how serious the games' tone appears, I loved the lighthearted moments and the over the top boss fights. I don't really know how to put this into words but Resident Evil 4 feels like the blueprint for a game. This probably isn't the best way to put it but it's pretty generic in a sense but generic for good reason. Absolute masterpiece. 10/10

I don't think I have ever smiled so much while playing a game. Everything about this game is so wonderful, I don't really know what I was expecting going in, maybe just a 2 hour cute game where you do what the title says and take a short hike. But what I got was a dense 2 hour adventure with cute characters and interactions, fun mechanics, an adorable artstyle, a big island to explore, different environments, fun collectables, a great soundtrack and genuinely the most you could get out of such a short experience. My teeniest criticism is that I wish the climb to the top was maybe a bit longer, and that the recommended amount of feathers for the mountain was a bit more since I was struggling to push my way to the top with only eight and had to climb back down and find two more. But, to be fair, they did say beginners may need more. Regardless, my small criticism doesn't take away for what an amazing game this is. Everyone needs more games like "A Short Hike" in their life. 9/10

It's good, pretty short and sweet. My only major complaint is the camera. But, besides that overall it's a fun time, it definitely made me more excited to play the rest of the games. 7/10

i re-beat this game in little over an hour just to give it 5 stars

Genuinely have little-to-no complaints and I loved every bit of everything.

This game was a ton of fun. To get my negatives out of the way, I really did not like most of the characters and they felt like one big trope pretty often, especially Chai and his dynamic with Peppermint. For how cool the world is aesthetically and conceptually, I wish there was more to the characters and the story itself. I also wasn't a huge fan of how the movement felt, which kind of ruined a lot of the platforming sections for me. Lastly, I wish the upgrades were a little more essential to the main story. I know there is a lot of post-game content, but I didn't really feel like I absolutely had to upgrade anything for any sake besides my rank, and even then I got mainly A ranks the whole game with just the simple light combos and heavy combos. Regardless of my few nitpicks and negatives, this game is a ton of fun and I quickly began to love it's absolutely beautiful visuals, and extremely fluid combat. Hi-Fi Rush is truly such a great game, especially for it's original shadow drop release. 8/10

A start to a great series but pretty inconsistent, I enjoyed my time with it though for the most part, and the bosses are pretty good. Overall though I'm not a fan of the series being like as much of a precision platformer as this game is. 5/10

Better than the first in literally every way and has more of the quirky stuff that I like about that game. But it still controls kinda weird and most of the levels are pretty forgettable. I liked it for what it was though. 5/10

You go into Mario's balls and that's pretty cool.

Very cute and fun. It's relatively short, but I didn't mind it. The worst part of the game is probably that almost all of the levels are pretty forgettable. I like this game for what it is, but overall it's very average. Probably more like a 4/10 but the final part of the game bumps it up for me. 5/10

This game, while better than the first in most aspects, still has a lot of inconsistencies and has a pretty tedious and unfun final boss that soured some of my experience with the game. 6/10


Everything about this game is top notch. The way the roguelite gameplay is handled, the story, the upgrades, the characters, the weapons, the bosses, the art style, the soundtrack, and the combat are perfect. The adrenaline rush my final run gave me was unbelievable and I could barely ask for a better game, truly a masterpiece. 10/10

This game is stupidly fun and the gameplay and traversal are fucking phenomenal. The story definitely is weaker in this game, especially in the third act (and I'm not a huge fan of this charaterization of Venom), but I had a lot of fun through the whole thing. I'll have to replay the first one eventually, but I think because this game has a weaker story, the first one is probably still slightly above for me. 8/10

This game isn't worth 60 dollars, it's really buggy to an unreasonable degree, and the levels are really inconsistent. It looks pretty nice for the first full 2.5D Sonic title since Sonic 4, but I'm a sucker for gorgeous pixel art like Sonic Mania and 3&K, but it's not a huge deal and doesn't really dampen my opinions of the game. The power ups are cool but I wish there was more uses for them in actual levels that wasn't just spamming them to try to cheese a boss. But overall, it's about on the same level as Sonic 1 for me, mainly due to both of the games' inconsistencies in level design.

This game controls are pretty bad, it's short as hell, which can work, see Kirby's Dream Land, but it was weird here since it was basically a little longer than the length of a single world in a newer Mario title. The proportions of Mario and the surrounding environment is really weird too. But I don't know, it wasn't the worst game I've ever played, and I think some of the ideas like the bosses and enemies and power ups were cool and I'd like to see some of them revitalized today, like some of the enemies from Super Mario Bros. 2/USA. 3/10