8 reviews liked by o3rd

The leather in my cowardly blood cries out agonizing screams of joy as I slipstream boost past the dumb ass tuners and sports cars in my cruiser. Catching the right end of a ramp going 200 miles per hour, I rise up 50 feet in the air and fire off a Nitrous boost to keep myself there just a second longer through the magical power of video game unrealism, with my Motörhead playlist blaring in the background, drowning out my troublesome inner thoughts of "Dude, you should Totally buy a bike."

I'm mad. I'm so mad. People have been Lying about this game for over two decades and I fucking believed them, like a fucking idiot. I'm so dumb.

THIS GAME IS BETTER THAN DMC 1 AND IS BY FAR THE BEST N64 GAME, PROBABLY THE BEST 5TH GEN ACTION GAME, PERIOD. The action has a good range of options that all feel appropriately weighty, The movement and platforming have a nice sense of speed while still being brutal and tight like the OG games, and the quest design is god tier for its time, at least in the console space.

Why did you do this internet. Why. I am LIVID. Holy shit.

Yharnamite Thirst is my favorite Black Metal album.

The game that made me want to become a creator.

Playing this made me feel the same way I do when I eat two pizzas by myself.

You know how in gastronomy, a food's pungent and foul odor can actually improve its taste?

If Super Mario Bros. (1985) was Game Design learning to speak, CastleVania (1986) was its sexual awakening.

It's So Cute I wanna pinch its cheeks.

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