one of the best games I have ever played, 4/10

the plot was a bit too complex for me

3 bucks to play, 1 hour to beat, if you like puzzles you have no excuse with this one. A GREAT one-shot that hits the brain in that satisfying way that well made puzzle games do. Heavily recommend!!


I will come back to this game I promise it was nothing but fun

memories of playing golf with dad that I will cherish forever

Undisputed master of party game on school bus rides, taught me how to trash talk from a young age

Elsinore is a great game full of four dimensional exploration. Basically the whole game is played through observing the people around you, talking to them, and witnessing the outcomes of your social nudges. And yet shit really hits the fan in big ways. Trying to high% the game got a bit tedious and repetitive even with the timeskip mechanic in place. Disregarding that, if you just play until you feel done with it I can't not recommend this, especially if you love a good mystery!

yo this game makes me cum

My sweetheart from Supergiant Games. Really liked the concept of the battle system, even if some minor flaws were noticable. Unlocking lore via using different combos was a great incentive to keep experimenting and not just stick to the one de facto OP skill layout you might find. Where the gameplay sometimes lacks the story, art, and phenomenal soundtrack more than make up for it.

good memories of competing with my dad over 11th place while my brother came 1st every single race

The only mobile game I played for more than 1 day actually kinda fun and unlike most gachas you can actually play well and progress without realmonies


Helped a lot with initial lockdown depression

pls play this and play outer wilds and also play the DLC

the only reason this is a 4.5 and not a 5 is because i peed my pants while playing

The real challenge is the net code