cryin in the club to Beginner's Room - Kirby Super Star Ultra OST Extended

This happened to my buddy Emir

Heart❤️ Been Broke💔🤕 So Many Times⏰ I Don’t Know❌🤷‍♀️ What To Believe 🍃🙏 Yeah👍 Mama🤰Say It’s My👧😣Fault🥺😢 My Fault😭😞 I Wear My Heart💝 On My Sleeve👕

The first postmodern video game, and a marvel of creative achievement. Challenging, yet congenial gameplay and meticulous level designs, which compliment a gritty war story that isn't afraid to get totally meta. Hideo Kojima's magnum opus.

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about that 50,000 yen i owed ya

dont play the actual game its way better as a 480p youtube movie

When you were partying, I studied the blade. When you were having premarital sex, I mastered the odd jobs. While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate, you have the audacity to come to me for help?

I got youre ip address kid. Its all over. Expect hit man at your door tonight

>boring cover shooter
>dogshit 1/10
>boring cover shooter with "disorienting atmosphere" that gets old after 2 levels
>modern classic 11/10

Un-Follow Me Now, This Is Gonna Be the Only Thing I Tweet About For The Next Decade. Ive Wanted This For Years Fuck. What The Fuck.

When i graduated from high school my parents offered to buy me a holiday abroad. I declined and asked for a copy of "Ukrainian ball in search of gas" instead. Somehow it all makes sense: Years of rough studies and training behind me, I was now ready to embrace the real thing. When I got the game I spent several days avoiding the enormousness of it all. At some point I did play it and still remember the feeling I got: The world would never be the same again, the naive childhood days of pre-Ukrainian ball era were over.

wes anderson's first source engine project