my first Resident Evil, i don't like the aim in this game, specially with a drifting controller, killing the regenerators and sadler was horrible. but nonetheless is a great game with a nice dificulty.


insanely good until it starts to get ACTUALLY insane. Fez is a god like puzzle game that can satisfy from casual to hardcore players.

oh boy Xenoblade 2...

ok, first of all, if you like XC1 there is a high chance of not liking XC2 at first, as the second game is set in a completely diferent tone and mechanics, some examples includes: bad protagonist, gacha, new combat system, cringe anime moments, and a weird relation between a 100+ years lady with a 15 year old child, also is "too much anime". I know its a weak argument but it has no better way to describe it, its SAO level of anime and even a little bit of ecchi sometimes, you can say the first xenoblade is more of a game than an anime, while the second is more of an pre-pubescent anime than a game. To people that say both is anime i say that hamtaro and evangelion are too... the story is also filled with cliches.

The start of the game is boring AF with a TON of terrible tutorials that you will probably start skipping very fast.. wich creates another problem, you will probably think the combat is trash when is actually better than the first one, but it explains it in the worst way possible, i only figured the burst+chain mechanic in the last chapter.

The story takes too much time to start beeing near XC1 level of quality (around chapter 5 or 6) up to this point the chances of dropping it has already peaked... and still i was only tolerating the characters, not really liking any of them.

also, one thing that i dislike in this game is that does not really connect with XC1 beyond the paralellal universes.

in short: is good when is not cringe anime weird shit. but i gotta say a good game should be good since the beggining, not after 20+ hours, this is enough time to finish other games.

ps: i dropped this game about 5 times and only persisted cuz i really like XC1. but i ended up liking it.

the weakest of the DS series, ds2 fans probably start the series here or just rate it high because of majula theme.

i delayed for so long but i finally droped it, i never gonna like this game kh 1 and 2 will forever be in my heart but this one stinks so bad i can't force myself to keep playing this.

a silly game for a lazy afternoon with some haha moments.

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would be perfect if not for Knuckles/Rouge stages, but i think some people may like those. the final is so good with shadow and sonic teaming up in their super forms as shadow fulfills his promise to maria. one of the best Sonic games undoubtelly.

there are free mobile games better than this thing, this is a terrible DQ game. disappointment is the word.

jogo incrivel, mas com um dos final bosses mais fdp ja existentes.

the best kirby game i've played so far, the Forgo zone is easily the best part of the game, the OST is FENOMENAL, the gameplay is great and the graphics are really good for the switch!

not as great as i remember, mario "slides" too much is just weird, the overall game is easy but there is ICE LEVELS wich is just terrible in this game, gyroscope stages are a pain in the ass too, and the wall grabing mechanic is the worst thing i've seen in a mario game ever, it completely kills the pace.

what people expect from a free to play game? my dude warframe is heavely based in grind because its the core mechanic of the game, you farm parts and sell the ones you don't need, get the money and buy what you want, no gacha, no pay to win nothing, the only thing you loose is time (like any game you play for fun?), the part that you put money is to speed up this process or in "fashionframe", people that say WF is p2w never played any mmos before. its a 2013 game, and to this day few non PVP focused F2P are this good. the other one being POE, and has one of the best communities out there. 4k hours into this game and i don't regret nothing.

maybe mods will eventually make this a good game, like: remove the tutorial lady, better navigation with controllers, better dash, remove the auto aiming and put together all pieces of stage to just one big stage per scenario. idk i killed a boss just holding the atack button, and the auto aiming did the job... i dropped the game after that.

The gameplay can be a little bit frustrating sometimes, but in general, the game is a great rogue lite experience with fast paced action encouraging the speedruns. It has customization and a great ost. The difficult is a bit over the top but when you get the upgrade mechanic/scaling is way easier to progress. And if you like easter eggs... oh boy! this is the game, the amount of references and colabs to indie games is actually beautiful.