Overrated asf and boring tbh

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Best marvel game ever created
They added onto some of the great things we got out of the past two games and made them into something great
The gameplay was some of the best I’ve seen in a superhero game since the arkham games and the scrapping of suit abilities to add in character abilities instead was a great choice
Boss fights are actually boss fights instead of fighting until you can press triangle and the venom boss fight really blew me away
The venom and kraven boss fights were some of the most fun bosses I’ve played against in a superhero game since arkham city
The side quests are really good too, they spent a lot of time making those and it shows, it gives us room and more options for villians in the future like carnage and the flame as well as the chameleon
Insomniac has only been improving since spiderman 2018 and this game has me excited about they’re future and the upcoming wolverine game next year

Amazing locations, characters, craziness and nice puzzles to make this beautiful game

James is that weird serial killer like bf that weird girls want. He lowkey thicc tho

This game left me at a loss of words which many games don’t really do first time around

I only bought this for the free nba league pass and virtual currency

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Assassins creed 2: love the gameplay, suits, amazing story and nice combat, characters are also really nice, i also love how we see ezio age and progress as the story goes on from wanting revenge to doing what he does because he believes in his creed his family believes, also a good wtf ending/cliffhanger. Also fuck sequence 12 and 13, worst edition to a remaster

Brotherhood: great continuation of story and even though we’re limited to one place instead of multiple countries, it’s nice and not all over the place. The characters are still bangin and everything

Revelations: i love how they fill in the blanks on altiair’s story, finish ezio’s story all whilst bringing in new characters and not feeling like they’re unimportant even though it’s very late in ezio’s life

Bare bones, repetitive up until the final sequence and a nice setup game.
Also as boring as the white/gray/blue aesthetic is I think it fit

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G man skibidi all over freeman’s lvl 7 gyatttttt

I’ve got thousands of hours on this game and played it on basically every console you can
It’s still fun to this day and the replay value on this is absolutely crazy, that goes for almost every GTA

This game hates you
The combat is one of the most strategic I’ve played in a 2d rpg
It’s also punishing asf for no reason

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I love everything about this game, the story of the character and island, the monsters being manifestations of prison executions, very dark and gritty like most 2000s horror games. I hate the lethal injection monsters tho so -.5 stars