this game has such weird vibes, in a good/neutral way. the story is so edgy that to me it wraps around to being kind of endearing. the combat is fun too, the aerial kick is such a great move. i wish it did more with enemies that are really able to challenge your movement, like maybe one that's able to swat you out of the air, also using more varied terrain in combat arenas to bring together the platforming and combat elements, but it's also nice to have both separate as a way to break up the pacing.

why do you think people have been playing this game for 20 years

This is the first roguelike that's ever really hooked me. Just when you think you understand all of its nuances, it throws in one more thing that makes you think about it differently. And my best hand is only like 2mil or something

never seen a game do so many different things so well. except for the plot lol

more games like this please. really, truly problem solving in a puzzle game feels invigorating and refreshing, and those a-ha moments feel more gratifying knowing that you truly were the one who thought up the solution, not the devs. it definitely has its flaws but a good few of them are maybe necessary limitations that in other contexts are its strengths. easy buy for $5

great platforming kit, feels very freeing and like you can be very expressive with it. My only big issue is that I had to use a guide towards the end to find stuff but part of that is that I missed a hint the game gives so maybe it's a skill issue

exceeds its influences for sure. the movement feels better than jsr's ever did, and even the soundtrack goes toe to toe with those games which I didn't expect. The level design gets weaker in some of the later areas and there are some jankier parts of the game, namely combat/boss fights, but the amount of love put into this game shines through and makes it really fun to play.

I played this game when it came out and I was like 10 and the boat level was insanely hard (I think they patched it later) and I think it made me cry

movement is pretty good but damn this whole game is filler

good worldbuilding but the combat and some emptier areas show their age and also there's no commie faction (or at least none that I found) and that makes me sad

I think it may be a bit too simple to chock it up to Miyazaki's absence, but it just feels like there's something missing here that pervades the game's world, both aesthetically and in terms of design. I just didn't find it to have that same magic immersive quality the first game did. Part of it was definitely due to the fact that I accidentally stumbled into a broken build that trivialized most of the combat, which took away what would likely otherwise be one of the game's strengths.

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I almost beat it until I got to the stupid ending fetch quest

Otherwise very good especially for a first try at making a 3D metroidvania

I can't believe there was a point in my life where I was bored enough to play this entire game

This is what happens when a studio that mostly makes visual novels decides to make a third person shooter

banger mobile game. wish there was more reason to come back after beating it because I didn't enjoy the endless mode very much