people love to be mean but this game is fun and it takes courage to admit that in this agressive culture

Great mobile game, horrible DS game

i remember NOTHING except how great everything felt. Like the battles were quick and thewalking and the cities looked good. Sorry this is incoherent but i remember little other than liking it a ton.

boss fights were not fun and the rest of the game wasn't much better

Really solid game, never beat it though because I was always too distracted just fighting things. I think the fighting in this game feels great. Ruined gaming though with the open-world and durability crazes. Wii U game by the way

it was unfinished when i bought it. it is slightly LESS unfinished now.

Ok I remember this being really cool and fun but I also don't remember that much about it but maybe I'll replay it. I love strategy games that aren't necessarily just Pokemon battles and I love pokemon so this was like perfect for me, and I did really like it!

I know this game is overrated and I'm part of the problem, but I think that the depth of the baseball mechanics in the game makes it super fun. The motion controls are good too. I have alot of fun with this game.

the game's biggest issue the ptcg meta sucked and the cards weren't fun, but it they remade this it would be reallyfun I think. A little slow becuase the card game was slow at the time, but I think they did it justice and I can't imagine anything that would improve the game.

Great story and the gameplay was so interesting. Turn-based in this style is fascinating. And it was fun too to be a mudkip.

This game is pretty fun and good but it can get kinda boring and repetitive because there aren't that many enemies and the later levels are frustrating, but definitely worth the $5 I spent on it. I heard the update is good, but I haven't done it yet.

Better than gen 1 for sure, but the dex is bad because a lot of the pokemon aren't available until late. Trade evolutions ruin today's replay value. And the Kanto stuff is just kinda like whatever. People think that part of the game is better than it actually is.