The only thing you'll ever hear in this game:
Revelio Revelio Revelio Revelio Lumos Revelio Revelio Revelio Lumos Revelio Revelio Revelio

Plot was somehow more generic than i anticipated, which is in itself rather impressive.

If life gives you lemons, just punch them and you'll come to a mutual understanding 🥰

after several excruciating hours of watching twitch streams so i could get a key drop for beta, i finally got the key only to remember i hate these kinds of games. Ended up playing like 40 min of beta and then i never touched it again. Totally worth like 15 hours of toxic ass xqc gameplay...not.

Idc what ppl say, its hilarious to play with the right partner. Spamming vocie lines and fucking uf puzzles by friendly stabbing

"Sheva!" "Sheva!" "Sheva!"

Finished the game with bf, his says completed mine says incompleted for no reason at all. Cant play extra chapter bcs of said reason.

Worse version of re2 remake.

Written and directed by David Cage.

Welcome to the family son- wait, wrong game.