play this game if you LOOOOVE pegging!

best game nintendo has ever made besides mother 3

i like this one only a little bit because it added SOME new things. but overall, its not that great.

its… okay… levels are barren unless you play with friends.

this game isn’t bad by any means, but it was the game that opened pandora’s box of stale bread for the years to come.

i like the original game a bit but i really only play this for romhacks now, LOL!

This is my second favorite 3d mario behind galaxy, its just that fun.

Pretty good, I’m just not a fan of 2d Mario but in 3d. Otherwise, this is a really creative game

It’s alright, not my favorite 3d mario but its fine.

this game is also really good, my only complaint is that the story from the first game got really butchered

peak imo, but that might just be my nostalgia bias talking.

I don’t like this one. too janky, feels like i’m playing sonic.