gameplay was better than the first one, fun mechanics were introduced, emily had some cool powers, but the story was pretty meh

lack of a chaos system made it feel too easy and the last level was kind of stupid. overall the story wasn't the best but billie is an awesome protagonist i love her dearly

play this game with a buddy its a silly time

some of my favorite soft worldbuilding in a game, also very fun in general

peak but also really stupid difficulty spikes. the end of the game is also insanely frustrating but i love the world and characters too much

please make the distortion detective visual novel project moon PLEASEEEEEEEEEE

games cool but the ai is frustrating, controls feel a bit too clunky, and the missions have a REALLY strange fixation on child exploitation instead of like. basically anything else. like let me arrest and kill terrorists or something

ill probably finish this once i read all the books

robot lesbians and existential dread