Story seemed good (much better than 4), but the open-world aspect made it boring.

Story was poor, writing was poor, characters were terrible.

Nice game. My first metroidvania and it was enjoyable. A bit on the easy side.

Great way to relive a classic

Nice variety of options (e.g., music, graphics). Multiplayer has gone through its issues.

Story starts going a bit downhill (in the ridiculous sense).

Unfortunately, I could not enjoy the multiplayer (not the games fault). Campaign was fun, but not as good as the first. Ending seemed a bit off.

Great memories on online play. Campaign was good.

One of those games I never stop replaying.

Outstanding game. Great story and sidequests. A full range of emotions are experienced. One of those games where you enjoy equipping things in the menu for several minutes.

Fantastic. Great story and puzzles. Time travel aspect was done very well.

Another game I constantly replay. Outstanding storytelling. Materia system is phenomenal. One of those games where you enjoy equipping things in the menu for several minutes (hours).