I was worried that my expectations would too high going into this game given how much praise people give it. It's not perfect, there's some annoying backtracking and some unmemorable areas (mainly chapter 2 and 4), but damn if it's not one of the most fun RPG experiences i've had.

The combat is great, it can even get pretty strategic in the late game. The final boss felt super rewarding to finally take down. The dungeons throughout the game have some really creative platforming and puzzles that I loved going through. I think the final chapter may have my favorite RPG dungeon ever. The individual chapters were also very unique. I love their self-contained stories and mesmerizing environment.

The overarching story is a little weak for me, but it's made up for with some great partners and enemy characters as well as fantastic boss fights. The graphics and music are beautiful, too. Will remember this one for quite some time.

This game had me in a chokehold for the past 4 months so I feel the need to type up a proper review. (Note: This is my first souls game)

When I started this game I wasn't feeling it. The combat didn't grip me. Attacks felt clunky and slow, inputs didn't seem to hit right, and the actual traversal of the map was sometimes downright frustrating. I spent 4 hours on the first boss and close to 30 deaths trying to escape Stormveil castle and felt like it wasn't going to get better.

It did.

For whatever reason, I kept playing, to see whether the game was actually at fault or if it was my unwillingness to try and venture into new territory. There's a lot I didn't know about this game and had to look up constantly as I went along, which I thought would cheapen the experience but it only heightened it for me.

There's so much to love about this game, it's truly an adventure and it's given me a sense of satisfaction in that which no other game has given me. Bosses feel rewarding, the area design is beautiful. It's singlehandedly been the most immersive experience that I'm not sure I'll be able to get anywhere else.

This game doesn't come without its faults, though. The late game in particular has a severe lack of content. Graces, catacombs, and caves seem to be very sparse as you progress. The reuse of bosses (while some of them, like the Erdtree Avatars, are fitting) gets quite annoying and honestly feels very lazy. The catacombs, while some contain very unique and memorable puzzles and experiences, on the outside still feel very copy and paste. I think the game just set out to be as big as it possibly could be, even if the developers couldn't fill up all that empty space.

With all that being said though, there is so much to love about this game that all of these issues don't bother me. There's still so much to explore and do in this game that you could feasibly spend 100+ hours on just early game content alone. Sidequests are fun and plentiful. The legacy dungeons are great, and all the side areas (the Eternal City especially) are so stunningly beautiful that I question why they're even side content in the first place. There's so many creative and bombastic weapons, spells and summons for you to collect. There's so many different builds and ways to play that it really is for anybody. The game can be as difficult or as simple as you want it to be. The options are truly endless, and all of this makes up for the 10 Burial Watchdogs and 200 skeletons and imps that plague some of the more repetitive regions. The main bosses, including the optional ones like Mohg and Malenia have very fun and interesting movesets that, while frustrating at first, become entertaining to study and eventually master.

I loved this game, and I encourage anyone who's had a similar experience to me, where they tried to get into the game but just couldn't to try again. Look up anything that's stumped you and don't be afraid to change up how you're playing.

Favorite Bosses: Mohg, Maliketh, Radahn
Favorite Areas: Nokron, Raya Lucaria, Haligtree, Moonlight Altar

This game definitely had its moments of infuriation for me but it's overall one of the most fun and immersive games I've ever played.

The shooting in this game is awful, and half of the bosses made me want to pull hairs. Many gameplay aspects and overall difficulty of the game definitely hasn't aged well, though I do think part of it may just be control issues on the port which is not necessarily the game's fault.

Besides that, though, the story is immaculate. The writing is on-point. Each character has vivid personalities and dialogue that cuts deep. I love all the cutscenes in this game, they're all very cinematic. All the enemies and their backstories are very interesting and added much more depth to the story. I also thoroughly enjoyed the stealth aspects of this game. Being able to slink around the various rooms and hallways in the top-down style was beautiful game design. And while the combat system itself wasn't great, the act of successfully killing an enemy, boss, or just blowing something up, was very fun and rewarding when it went off right.

I definitely recommend this to anyone who's okay with playing older school games, though a huge warning that yes, it is frustratingly difficult, partly due to the controls but also partly due to your average game being more difficult back then than what is standard today. I'd recommend playing on Easy mode if you don't want to deal with too much annoyance on that front.

Oh yeah, don't be afraid to use a guide, too. I wouldn't have been able to beat the game without one.

Trails really never misses on their finales.

Really loved the graphical improvements from the original trilogy. Love the new cast of main characters, I think they mesh together well, and I also love many of the supporting characters like Wazy and Lechter (king!).

The mafia plotline was also very interesting and went really deep. The game did have a slow start, as most trails games do, but it was comforting seeing all these characters form bonds with one another and take on challenges together. There were a lot of moving parts that kept things interesting, too.

My only real gripe with the game is not so much the pacing or slow start but how each chapter (except the final) seems like its building up to something, and the last dungeon/mission of each chapter was indeed great, but then following chapter it kind of felt like some of the tension subsided. I wouldve kind of preferred to have the stakes continually raise and to keep the more interesting aspects of the game carry through from chapter to chapter instead of each one being a kind of new buildup.

Overall though, very fun and I love how this ties into and is more of a continuation of the original trilogy.
Can't wait to see where Azure takes this.


This review contains spoilers

All of the Headspace environments are beautiful and fun to explore, even if some have very simple level design. Humor is definitely on-point as well, very Undertale-esque in that sense. Characters are full of personality and a delight to interact with. The combat system started out very weak and boring but got improved immensely as you continue through the game and unlock more skills.

I think the story was interesting and I love the execution of it for the most part. The tonal and story split between the Headspace and the overworld was handled very well in my opinion. The ending is still setting in for me. Personally, I think the ending drags on for quite too long once you fall asleep at Basil's house. There's so many doors in the Black Space to check out, followed by cutscene after cutscene, and then the long walk along the street. I like what it's building up to, and it's definitely a satisfying ending overall, but I still feel like some time could have been cut out during this.

The story is still told excellently well overall, and I love the fun overworld bits with all the character interactions. Definitely turned out to be a much darker ending than I anticipated. I went into this expecting it to focus more on the themes of grieving and loss and the change of moving away from all your friends, but this theme of forgiveness and acceptance I think touched home just as nicely, even if not in the direction that I foresaw.

Overall very solid game I'd recommend for people who are into this type of thing.


absolutely beautiful from start to finish. definitive proof that games can be art

was really enjoying this one until I got to the boss battle that required a microphone to complete which was broken on my DS and was unable to progress

Too short but a hell of a lot of fun

I really want to like this game more, and there's definitely a lot to love about it, from the beautiful world to the atmospheric soundtrack coupled with cool powerups and fun boss fights.

For me though, it got very tedious progressing in the game because of the backtracking and continually getting lost in each area of the map by constantly missing key items and powerups that I thought were very easy to overlook. I'm fine with playing games with a guide and looking stuff up when I feel the need to, but when it becomes something I have to do constantly it does start to wear on me.

The platforming in the lava section of the game was also annoying. One wrong step or a blast from a faraway enemy can send you flying into lava which doesn't automatically kill you but will rapidly drain your health to the point that you wish it had because you'll end up dying before finding a platform to get back on anyway.

Constantly having to switch between your laser cannon and scanner was also awkward; while it didn't matter in the emptier parts of the map, it could mean the difference between taking massive amount of damage or even falling into lava in rooms with enemies.

Maybe I will continue this game one day, because I did truly enjoy it and just stopped playing before the annoyances eventually caught up with me, but I don't feel confident that I can even finish it without watching a full walkthrough first.

Very cute and charming 3d platformer. All the worlds and bosses are very memorable, challenging (in the later stages) and fun. I loved the dialogue and voices all the characters in the game have, the humor is also very on point. The murder mystery train level and the Mansion level in chapter 3 were easily my favorites, but there's also a lot of amazing platformer levels throughout (specifically the finale acts). This game shows it can experiment with genres and different styles of gameplay and it works incredibly well. I loved the exploration in Chapter 4 and it may be my favorite world because of it.

One gripe I did have with the game is that there were some annoyances with the camera movement. Sometimes it forces you into a POV that makes it hard to see some obstacles or platforms you need to jump on to progress. I also wish there was more content in the base game in general. I don't mind the reuse of worlds in some acts, though they are some (mainly chapter 1) that I feel the game could have done more with.

Incredibly well-done and immersive experience all-around.

Much more open world than re2 but I quite like the adventurous style that this game has to offer. Despite its short runtime there's always something new and exciting to be offered. Lots of fun new mechanics, cool new puzzles and level design on top of memorable boss fights and special events. I will admit that this game lacks a bit of the horror atmosphere that re2 had in its more compact style, but I'll gladly take that when the result is nothing short of a masterpiece of survival horror. I was thoroughly invested and immersed from start to finish.

this game seemed promising and I think the environment, music and magic system are all pretty cool, but the game just keeps crashing for me on Steam. not sure if it's worth continuing

I wish I could recommend this game but it is difficult for me to do so after having to get through nearly 100 hours of slog that is the base title, but in a vacuum this is still great.

None of the characters made that lasting of an impression on me, unfortunately, though regardless the emotional moments were very well written and engaging. Also, traveling in this game was quite annoying to me, as many areas you weren't allowed to use your mount, and others you were slowed and couldn't increase your speed until you took on multiple side quests to collect aether currents.

All those gripes aside though, this game is exemplary in its execution. This expansion has beautiful world design, accompanied with a stellar soundtrack that really adds to the atmosphere of wherever you go (which almost makes up for the slow mount speed). The story is great, too, bringing it back to a more classical RPG with dragons and honestly who couldn't love that? I also think that the pacing is incredible. There are definitely a number of fetch quests here and there that can get tiresome (did we really need 3 separate quests in a row of just delivering beer to people??), but overall the MSQ is layered with a number of very entertaining and unique instances, trials and dungeons that have become some of my favorites from this franchise yet. Every boss fight and dungeon trek has been a joy to go through.

So, despite some grievances I have with this expansion, and the fact that you need to essentially sell your soul playing the base game to actually get to the good stuff, there's so much to love here that I have unfortunately become another slave to this MMO.