i hope one day i play this again with the english dub off


turns out playing as a cat is really fun
its a shame that trying to play this on the ps4 was so unstable that it crashed and corrupted my save

i love this game and as broken as it can get, its such a leap forward coming from melee and has so many iconic songs and stages and characters
the subspace emissary is pretty okay but the cutscenes go pretty hard and its a way less monotonous way to unlock all the characters in the game!

idk melee is pretty great and it does a lot right, but i really dont think i come to smash for perfect physics. i come to smash for fun stages and fun characters, of which this game is (now) a bit lacking and its always just the one with less characters and stages in my mind so i dont pick it up much but still a great time if anyone's willing to play it over ultimate!

chance squares are a little lame and for a mario party that claims to be a best of collection and is also $60 it could stand to have more than 5 levels
that being said this is the first playable mario party game theyve made in over a decade

fun but the blandest out of all the 3d mario games and gets a bit repetitive
multiplayer is fun, if a little chaotic

its good, novel for a handheld at the time

the most replayable game ever made and super foundational
not all the stars are winners and dated in a lot of aspects but still lots of highlights and memorable moments
also you can backwards long jump

if there's one game i was held to gunpoint to say is the best ever made it would almost definitely be this one

so cool!!! i love my favorite band radioheaed! tom york sounds so good in this too like 😳

what a great story! graphics are amazing! mechanics are really fun! great game! !

came for the interesting concept, stayed for the excessive amount of achievements you get for completing each level