Absolutely love this game, masterpiece, there is a reason this has an average of a 5 star rating + many GOTY awards because it is a GOATED game, I loved most things about this, obviously it has some flaws as no game is perfect, but all around the aesthetic of the game and playstyle is amazing, I had alot of fun playing the game and it really challenges you when playing even as the easiest game of the Soulsborne series.

Pretty decent game, still need to complete it if i'm being honest but at the time of playing it I had alot of games to catch up on and play, which had me disinterested in this while I played it, the aesthetic is cool aswell, no doubt it impressed me but I honestly lost interest and will come back to it another time.

Should of won a GOTY award because this game is absolutely goated, so many good things, the graphics, the characters, the acting, the ending, a jaw dropping experience full of surprises, very happy whilst playing, the online unlike other games is honestly fun and although isn't alike to the story mode is still fun and good to play with friends.

Generally just a phase game, has alot of nostalgic value but its not impressive just something you can mod the shit out of and play with friends every once and a while, shaders and other stuff never fail to impress me aswell but to have to mod the game for it to be enjoyable game again and to see what Microsoft have done with the game disappoints me alot of the time, especially with their funding.

I played it for about the first half of the game, got disinterested, its cool and all but honestly I prefered Deltarune

It is pretty darn good, played with multiple friends and enjoyed it, so many puzzles and unique physics about the game, its not exactly buggy either which makes it very cool, alot of good voice acting and stuff aswell, very cool game. :thumbs_up:

Played alot of this when I was fresh out the womb (when I got an XBOX 360 when I was like 6, pretty good game can't say alot about it though since I never completed it.

"Wake up, Samurai, we've got a city to burn."

Everything about this game is good, even though I wasn't too bothered about my dick size and fucking girls in this game, the gameplay is good, smooth, the graphics are amazing, its generally an amazing game with some replay value surprisingly.

Amazing game absolute masterpiece, shows alot of character development from past game and overrall a cool experience.

"You will always be the God of War."

Cloud played this on XBOX One, so the experience wasn't amazing, even so its well optimized, the quality is amazing, its well written, and can even be emotional, and make you laugh, its pretty long game, love the combat and the rhythm system is cool aswell.

Story is amazing and fun, pretty decent game, Online is debatable, Director mode is fun to mess about with especially taking a drive around after editing the settings just to mellow out and chill on the game.

"Here we go, off the rails
Don't you know it's time to raise our sails?
It's freedom like you never knew
Don't need bags or a pass
Say the word, I'll be there in a flash
You could say my hat is off to you
Oh we can zoom all the way to the moon
From this great wide wacky world
Jump with me, grab coins with me, oh yeah!
It's time to jump up in the air
Jump up, don't be scared
Jump up and your cares will soar away
And if the dark clouds start to swirl
Don't fear, don't shed a tear 'cause
I'll be your 1-Up girl
So let's all jump up super high!
High up in the sky!
There's no power-up like dancing
You know that you're my super star
No one else can take me this far
I'm flipping the switch
Get ready for this
Oh, let's do the Odysseyyyyy..."

Mellow chill game, alot more fun with friends but I didn't get that experience because most of them are FPS Fiend freaks

I was on the Fallout 4 train, it being my first Fallout game but after playing New Vegas, heads were turned, love the game, graphics are alright, gameplay and combat is fairly decent, but I just like the random encounters and out of the blue missions given to you, my idea for this game was straight "Lord Death of Murder Mountain" with the most silly stats I could of given myself, unlike Fallout 3, NV accounts for your stats and you can see them being used properly during the game, but it isn't too OP like in Fallout 4 where a basic 10mm Pistol could 1 shot a Alpha Deathclaw, pretty cool game, can't wait to finish it.
S - 10
P - 1
E - 7
C - 1
I - 1
A - 10
L - 10
try it and your life will be changed, be ruthless, have 0 sympathy, only seek reward.