this game was a really good rpg

this was mid mid not mid good

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i got spoiled so it didnt impress me that much, cool idea tho

such an amazing concept and execution

this is genuinely the worst game ever made its not even funny to say that this game is bad its so awful in every sense i cant even say u love this game in an ironic way its just that bad

this game is atlus at it lowest holy shit the gameplay was abyssmal

the story is kinda good amd characters carry the game but its so not worth the effort

really kadbskng good combat, interesting story but really amazing combat

sucks that enemy design is kinda mediocre to bad

i mean...... its a good musou ig, not as good as a persona game nor a p5 sequel

good story tho, if u like the characters youll find more of them in here

dont care if the style is more present than the substance, the credit song made the game worth it

fun as fuck so sad you cant skip cutscenes

if you watch a play through you get the full experience