“how are we gonna top the base game? It’s already perfect?”

Fromsoft: “Hold my beer”

I bet my gf is so happy I finished this.

Stunning visuals with a decent story that keeps your attention. Combat does improve the more you play, solid music, however some of the puzzle mechanics were just so boring to me, also not a huge fan of the recycled bosses and break boxes for loot package.

Whoever designed those cans of bevs needs a raise.

It’s nearing midnight, the credits are rolling, I’m trying to hold back the tears from this monolith of a video game I have just 100%ed with over 115 hours (not including the 30 hours I lost due to cloud storage issue) (we won’t talk about that) in my cozy bedroom. I’m in a state of shock, as I think wow, I really don’t think I’m going to experience anything so perfect like that for a long time now.

Final thoughts:

Queens blood is just as great as the game itself and deserves its own stand alone or even physical copy.

Vincent has mutated my already existing anti social personality type into something way more edgier.

Chadley needs a mute button.

There is not a single type of combat in a game I have enjoyed more than this game.

Thank you Square for this unforgettable chapter to the ffvii story.

This review contains spoilers

Cute ending, like if silent hill was made with a pinterest moodboard in mind.

Pretty stressful during like 20 minutes of the 90 minute game, but almost the only thing that was actually scary was when my PS5 controller blasted a text message notification. Can appreciate the audio, environments, and monster design, however, the dialogue and repetition of reading random letters, cutscene to transitioning to another chase sequence with nothing in between kinda ruined it for me. Of course it comes to no surprise Konami is incapable of capturing the subtlety that was P.T. and silent hill 1-3. It’s like they made this for teens. Also yeah sure konami just go ahead and change the entire lore of the original silent hill games in a 90 minute game so you can use it to milk out more games. Nice that it’s free and short tho.


Just finished the final draft on hard, still top tier.

Charming game for what it is, giving toby fox writing. Felt pretty manic playing this though.

The amount of strength this took me to play with the gf was unmatched

Starting the final draft today, my body is ready.

My earliest game I’ll log.

My first remedy game, the AWE DLC is tough as nails.

Overall super cool experience.

Pretty sweet underrated gem, game can get quite challenging so if you enjoy the satisfactions of completing a challenge and know the story of Berserk I recommend this game.

This game is so therapeutic for me, I'm too scared to finish it. I only play in emergency situations.

"I drank this game with a milk shake straw."

Resident Evil 8 took us all by surprise. Mixing mechanics from RE4 and RE7, such as more open and bridge environments all while retaining the first person horror theme of RE7. The country side setting of the village formed a particular atmosphere, which expands through the game in its variety of horror fantasy based areas.

The game is fantastic.

Think this was the most angriest I've ever been at a game. Yes I'm looking at you "pure black tendency events".

Pure excellence. Malenia has to be one of the coolest boss fights in gaming.