Probably the roughest gem there ever was. Beneath layers of jank and potato-faced NPC's there's an enthralling and infinitely repayable masterpiece.

Rare example of exceptional FF writing. Features my favorite character in fiction.

One of the greats. A hideous, flawed masterpiece brimming with replayability and a surprising amount of heart.

The best game of them all. The pinnacle of detail, craftsmanship, and intrigue.

The best Mount and Blade that isn't Mount and Blade. A deep forever game in constant rotation.

A glorious return to form that's just a bit shy of perfection, but is my favorite in the series.

An excellent return to form, a bold vision for the future, and a universal raising of the fighting game bar.

Aggressively average and uncompromisngly stale, Starfield is every bit as bland as Fallout 4 minus the spectacle and released 8 years later. The bugs can be forgiven or fixed in time, but a game with this little personality deserves to be forgotten.

A janky port of a charming, subversive tactical RPG. A TRPG for TRPG fans with a good sense of humor and interesting, esoteric mechanics.

A remarkably excellent TRPG with a weak story but insane premise. Deeply customize your ancap police force of high school girls with one of the best class systems in the business.

The album so good that it comes with an anime fighter.

In all seriousness, this game is excellent in every capacity except balance and its 4 hour story is a janky SFM movie.

A good game with an excellent premise and a lot of growth from the previous entry.

With Long War 2, this is one of the best games ever crafted.

A total overhaul of what quickly became a classic formula, DD2 is both fresh and alienating. Instead of a 50 hour hell-march, you play Oregon Trail with DD mechanics. Its revised combat is engaging and brings a lot to the turn based table, but a current lack of content may harm player retention. Despite its shortcomings, I would like to see more sequels attempt such radical shifts in focus.

A bizarre but compelling mix of class-based and objective based-shooter design, the Finals is refreshing in a never ending field of hero shooters and battle royales. Its focus on chaotic, multi-team games pushes back against the spectre of eSports and leaves much room for a deep, chaotic game.

A new edition that completely rescues the game. A charming, delightful, and accessible fighting game. Unlike previous versions, this one hasn't been simplified to a fault but is initially held back by some slight balance concerns.