-first the enviromental design! the updated visuals/3d really made the cities feel a bit more daunting, and the colour palette was pretty striking in some enviroments!

-i did feel they didnt nearly take advantage of the weather like emerald did. the snow was nice but it was no melechony rain or volcano ashes ya know?

-i also think the pokemon animations were super neat! mustve been a lot of work

-i found myself digging the characters compared to emerald. brendan and professor birch didnt leave much of an impact, and i think thats due mostly bc they didnt really involve themselves in the main criminal team like rowen and barry did

-even if i liked barry i didnt feel like he lived up to his full potential. there's some intrestign stuff with his dad but it kinda fizzles out at the end, leaving me wanting
lucas/other protag was kinda boring :(

-cynthia and cyrus were pretty fun! i did feel cyrus story had more to tell also

-music was solid. giratina, team galaxy grunt theme, snow point city were some of my faves tracks i think

-thank god you dont have a limited inventory anymore. i did feel like the sorting could've been executed better tho

-same complaints ive had since before. leveling is still a pain, so are th4e hm system, hate caves etc etc.

-underground... i dont have any comments on...kinda got bored after a minute

-same with contests :( i think it was a really good alt way to make use of pokemon that wasnt battling but it lacking some sort of narrative left me disinterest in exploring it

- i did enjoy the pokewatch apps (the berry map was needed lol) even if it sometime felt like the devs didnt know what to do with the second screen as u were exploring lol

-i also dont like how alot of the events are locked behind completing ur main dex :/ wanted to see the shaymin/darkrai stuff
not too shabby basically! a rank above meerald but not on my top list. onwards to bw

This one was ok. Doesnt really have the charm of klonoa 1/2 but i gotta praise its cutscenes. Lots of effort in those. Also why was huepow here.

Has some good highs but is lacking in the gameplay/music department. heat moves are missing a certain oomph compared to the "older" games (zero/kiwami12). Also...boring caberet club side game 😔

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Pretty solid but doesnt really stand out on its own compared to return to dreamland imo since theyre pretty similiar gameplay wise (that doesnt necassarily have to be a bad thing tho)

Also weird placed insertion of plot at the VERY end. The final boss(es) are real cool tho

highlight for me was all the nea level designs and abilities usage. always kinda of a bummer to play a game clearly meant for multiple ppl and playing single player tho haha.

not a fan of bringing back the "one hit lose copy ability" from dreamland 2. makes things alot more frustrating.

i decided not to do 100% on this one, mostly bc it seems like its very likely to miss the smaller chests, even with guides so im satisfied leaving it like this.

This game was...alright. didnt particulary had much of an impact that i had hoped it would like with oxenfree. more leaning into dark comedy, which were hits and misses for me.

The strongest part was the atmosphere. A neat take on hell and some fun designs here and there. The building sets and the overlooking spots were super cool.

lola and milo are a fun duo, some of the dialouge felt a tad bit rambly but not too out of place really.

The auto save system kinda sucked tho. Sometimes it wouldnt save even if I was in an entirely new area and i kinda wished to just turn it off so i could manual save.

I was debating trying for a second playtrough too see the other endings but i didnt really feel like replaying the whole thing just to see it.

The story isnt exactly smth to write home about (i do admire kirbys determination on having a good snack) but i think the gameplay here was the most smoothest its been ever since i went to the behinning! The touch screen isnt super utlized but i dont mind since its pretty simple, esp bc it migrates my frustration of having the one hit-->lose ability by keeping a backup in check lol. Also keeping track of what stuff youve missed is so much easier now compared to amazing mirror.

So yeah. One of my top fave kirby games so far alongside dreamland 3/return to dreamland. Time for the 3ds era...

wonderful and charming game. feels like a sibling game to chicory, where i also gave sincere effort making something like how i did in chicory. in any case, lovely cast and visuals. i'd def give this one a go.

it's always pretty cool to go back to a series starting point just to see how it's been evolving in time. i had a blast just going ""oh wow they kept that huh" " Oh so THATS where that came from..dang" and so forth

in any case the meta knight boss fight and the usage of past levels in monochrome were some pretty awsome moments


Short but really hits hard for me. Food culture as a way to connect, immigration, the things that could easily be lost, the cloud that looms over you when you parents moved for your sake....all really good stuff in less than two hours.

Also now im hungry

this one i do feel bad about dropping but as always i just dont have the time for these sorts of games. shame bc i think the setting/music/designs kick ass. but when i noticed my fomo acting up i decided to take a break from it.

forgot to make a comment on this lol

in any case, the cast was the big fave for me. the party dynamic was enjoyable as well as the mc. a weakness was the main gimmick in the battle system bc while yes i did enjoy causing Big Damage, but it felt a bit one sided. another weakness was the lack of cool dunggeon designs as well as a simplified demon negotions system.

a bit said it underpeformed, but i hope they take another shot at it

a pretty chill ok game but held back by bugs and crashes. the va is wonderful and the world is def intresting to explore.

feeling mixed however how the painter job is more of taking screenshoots, which caused a hurdle for me to engage myself.ofc photography is itself a form of art but it makes me wonder if the PC's job could've involved some sort of photo taking instead.

sadly this game didnt click with me. gonna shelv it and try giving it another shot later

the sad thing of it all? 12 year old me excitedly bought an xbox 360 for this