no cute kirby long dance at the end of each boss 0/10

But nah the cutscenes are super charming. I dont think i vibed with the art direction tho in some of these levels.

I think the power combos are cool and neat to explore, if a bit annoying to get. another annoyance is how u sometimes gotta get to a diff stage to get a combo u need for a crysyal shard in another stage all together. Well im guessing thats for replay value.

Loving the art direction. All the different sprite animations for the power+animal friend combos are a sight to see

Great visuals and solid characters. This game def needed some sort of save file system tho. Having to restart the whole game over kinda turned me off exploring other routes

this was a super fun and solid one! Excited to try out some more kirby games now.

a v melachony game about gardens and commmunity...with suprisingly intense moments at times! i had super fun with it

for some reason i thought this game would be longer?? oh well my kid self can rest easy now that i finally managed to finish this game.

i dig the atmosphere alot but i think cathing boos was the most annoying part for me.

Played only spring breeze (which i heard was a remake of sorts of the first kirby game) and..super charming! All these lil animations of kirby in every stage filled me with fondess. Cant wait to go trough more of the series! (First kirby game for me)

EDIT: went back to play the other modes! Glad i did.

i would probably have enjoyed this more if i the game gave more control options, mosty bc clicking and dragging all the time put alot of strain on my wrist.

the story is..ok. not really a narrative that struck with me, tho maybe its bc there are some alterntive paths depending on how well (or not) u make it? i dont really have the motivations to keep on going tho honestly.

also the resolution in fullscreen is not good and made text hard to read

Ended up doing everything except for the beastariy..some stuff wouldnt show up so i just shrugged it off.

anyways this was a real sweet one. characters, designs, and music where the highlight for me. When it comes to nitpicks: dialouge felt stiff at times as well as strange pacing but the heart and passion shone trough the entire game and thats all i ask for. Did i mention the music bc the music is kick ass

Other minor nitpicks when it comes to gameplay: felt like i could never utilize jodie properly due to her SP gimmick (a me problem tbf), buying armour/weapons for felt confusing with how the stats were shown) but all in all i would def recc ppl to give this one a shot if they want a 15 hourish (lesbian) adventure

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The combat/gameplay is more enganging than 3 now that u get 4 styles to play with and explore. The substories were also more memorable for me. The music felt stronger this time too.

My issue is that the game introduces mechanics like hostess maker (which is sadly as dull as in the third one) and fightermaker farrr to late in their respective protags tales. It made me complete them in one sitting rather than over the game as it felt i had no time left. Sure you get to play as them all during the finale but the issue doesnt really go away for me.

In anycase a step up from 3 for me!

pretty fun! wouldve liked it alot more if it wasnt for the shoddy port job tho lol...thank u modders

got bored. maybe ill try again later


a very weird and charming game. i feel like if i played this when i was a kid, the sense of wonder wouldve been invoked in me.

i tried to play this game blind but i just couldnt get a hang of things, even if the manual helped alot. not sure how i couldve 100% it without a guide at all really. the game isnt v good at telling u really useful things (the fast travel system, for one). also, fuck the fishing contest.

but even with these problems i still had a good time playing it, and some of the scores was a joy to listen to. i can also see why they named it the anti-rpg, with less focus on killing momsters and more about observing and helping those around you. that is love indeed...

probably the defintion of two steps forward one step back lol.

first, the negatives. didnt expereince any bugs or glitches on my walktrough but that didnt mean it didnt happen to others. also, the lag. god dman was that a real annoyance. who decided that releasing two major pokemon games in the same year was a good idea?

this game has alot going for and doesnt complety throw away the qol stuff arceus introduced (you can pick things up without it having to stop!! thank the gods) but mannn this is where the "two steps/one step" coems in. you can crouch! to remain hidden!! only to---be forced to battle mons anyways. why. why throw away the thrill of a satsisfying catch?? why ditch the link cable?? why cant simply choose a moment to evolve our mons like in arceus?? the pop up sucks major ass too. i dont want pokemon to just load right next to me as im exploring dammit

on the other hand, this was genuinly my faveorite pokemon narrative to date. i never thought pokemon would peak with its characters beyond sumo but god damn did they blow it out of the water here. having goals that doesnt involve only the gym/championship does wonders for its characters, and frees the suffocation of being forced into a narrative you may not particulary be engaged in. it sure made me personally alot more motivated to clear all the gyms at least. what else? the designs are wonderful, the character stories rock and wow THE MUSIC?

lots of lots of passion and heart here and with more time to at least polish things it could have easily be my top pokemon to date.

things i dug
- everything much smoother now! instead of stopping the game to annoucne that a pokemon has leveled up, or that you've picked a new item you just. pick it up and move on. SO nice
- the incentive to just catch pokemon was surprisingly engaging. there is a main plot sure but there was such delight to go to an area and see a pokemon you havent cuaght and rush over there. the gameplay loop overall was suprisingly engaging and i really liked the different mannerisms pokemon had. some approach you, some are wary, some outright attack you. it had me on my toes
- i welcome the strong/agile forms. it gave the game some much needed strategic elements that wasnt simply type advantages

things i didnt dug
- there isnt really much incentive to explore areas besides trying to find pokemon. its pretty barren, with too few intresting landmarks to make me invested in looking around more
-space time disortion would be an intresting risk element if it didnt contain pokemon you need to complete the dex lol. i dotn wanna wait around for x amont of minutes just to complete the main objective (the disorted music was really cool tho)
- i dug the characters and their designs, but some arcs didnt struck me as much i wouldve liked them to (this is a personal thing tho)
- there are times where i felt, like with swsh, that the devs wanted to do...more. not sure what but i wish they had more time, as i always do with recent pokemon games

all in all, i really liked that theyve finally moved on from the rigidy in gameplay (and exploration) compared to past games. hope they continue on this track with the next one (and have more time working on it lol)