i think this ones a solid. alot of the stuff from super metroid is here with some intresting new stuff (samus beign able to shoot from ladders/edges!), and a more in depth plot than ive seen from a metroid game so far

this one felt a tad mroe linear than im used to, and im not sure yet how i feel about it. made the adventrue easier in a way sure, but i do miss the sense of exploation i had in super metroid.

the plot wasnt amazing but im glad we got some characterization of samus and a glimpse to her past.

not as good as super metroid was for me but i likded it alot still.
not as high as super metroid was but def pretty good.

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dare i say my fave 2d metroid (so far)?

just...improves on everything in every way. controls, visuals, music and the god damn ATMOSPHERE

everything is just so much tighter now. and also...a MAP. didnt have to overly rely on a guide to beat the game this time lol.

i cant gush about the killer atmosphere enough. as soon as i saw that start screen witht the dead scientist and the lone metroid hatchling in the middle...it held my attention and didnt let go of it. putting this on my personal faves of games.

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ok so the only improvement is that samus controls SLIGHTLY better here.

the rest feels like a step back sadly. atsmisphere not as strong as the first one (only so much the music can do. its all GREEN). if i didnt have a guide i would have been so lost lol, the idea of exploring to find metroids to kill is fine, but it doesnt really work when theres such a lack of variance in areas.

the small moment with the baby metroid at the end was really neat tho

back at the start and its...rough!

first the stuff i like: the atmosphere! yes yes i know but the enemy design, bg design and music def makes u feel like a space adventure + gives it some tension.

beyond that..yeah this one def had alot of hickups for me. also shout out to ppl playing this without any sort of guide bc i wouldve been screwed and probably thrown my controller across the room.

samus controls...stiffly. sometimes it even feels like theres a gap between jumping and actually pressign the button. being kocked back by dfamage also is hell for a platformer (the rewind function of nso def saved me alot of frustration)

still im glad to have played this. and also wanting to see how they improve things in the next entry.

my first metroid game! and a pretty neat one at that

this game def nails it atmosphere-wise. also just some really cool details?+ the rain on samus's visor, the glimpse of a face when you shoot a beam close etc. super cool (that the remaster probably enhances)

gameplöay wise i dont have much to say. it works fine (and im glad for the gyro opton, it allows for more presice aiming on stuff that you cant lock on)

the story is...what it is. it has cool presentation but i personally dont vibe with the whole scan-->read lore entires to get the deets. it's not bad, but i wanted more variance in that front.

im def curious about this series now. real shame they didnt bundle this as a trilogy...am i gonna wait for the other remsters or just continue with the wii vers? in any case im gonna try to go to the beginning with series.

really enjoyable gameplay loop and sick character designs. lots of varied runs u can make with different weapons and passive abilities.

the downside for me is the lacking narrative/character writing. what we get and see are all super intresting but not enough to leave me really satisfied. another is that the followes, while cute at first, kinda left me non attached as a whole (with the exception of my First). understandable bc you cant exactly craft several followers with unique personalities (esp since they have the risk of dying off) but alas.

i dig this game but as soon as the narrative quest where done i put it down without looking back. ill pick it up again mayhaps when the next update rolls around

short and sweet. which is pretty much the trademark for odencat i think lol. puzzles arent out of this world but i did have to look up the solution for some.

def my fave out of all odencat games. feels more tighter, dialouge has more life to it than fishign paradiso (props to the localizer) and a neat little battle system where u focus on making ur human kid happy while fendign off enemies.

i admit that im just biased to huge monster+human buddy trope lol

i do wish we could have spent more time with the npcs tho. maybe some more side activities/optional scenes...?. oh well.

gotta give a shout out to the music. my fave ost of all odencat games.

this one sadly fell flat for me. which is a shame bc i was expecting more from it.

its def a lot more amibitious than bear's resturant. more locations, a slink system, even decorations! but both the monotone gameplay + a really stiff translation holds it back alot.

(well, i assume its the translation moslty bc i got the feeling ALOT of characters personalities got lost with how always formal it felt, esp for characters i dont feel SHOULD be formal at all? could be wrong tho)

the music is neat tho. and i had fun decorating my place. but this one didnt really hit me emotionally as bears resturant.

sweet, if a tad predictable at times. characters sometimes feel a tad...trite/cliche? but it had some really solid music+heartfelt moments. managed to get a tear out of me.

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honestly my fave 2d mario to date. Just giving some life to the series when the "new" series kinda became stale.

Lovely new details and animations to enemies. The wonder sections kept me on my toes and were a delight to play trough. Power ups are used well and doesnt feel too out of place.

Really this change feels organic and im really excited where they go next. Cant praise this game well enough. Maybe my fave game of 2023?

With that all said: The final final invisiblity section can go fuck itself. (Voice filled with emotion) 100% it tho

REALLY stepped up from p1. both when it comes to the sprite art and the general cast/plot.

i adored this cast, and the music was kick ass as hell. really good call to simply remix the ost rather than a new one like in p1 bc they hold up really well.

i also think this is m fave form of demon negation so far, mostly bc explring all the different combinations/dynamics the cast have with eachother is a joy of its own (esp when they can change depending where u are at the plot).

the enemy encounter can get a bit annoying tho. i also think the "auto" system feels a bit downgraded from p1's auto. i system. the fusion system is fun tho mostly bc of trying different combos just to see what happens makes it more engaging.

the movie theather quests are kinda ...ok. not much meat to em and you can tell the animations arent really used in the same level compared to the main plot (lots of cutting to black and having the sprites be different places instead of the usual animated way).

really really had a good time with this one tho. my fave so far in the oldsona games, and looking forward to trying eternal punishment next.

this one i do feel bad about dropping but as always i just dont have the time for these sorts of games. shame bc i think the setting/music/designs kick ass. but when i noticed my fomo acting up i decided to take a break from it.

me dropping gacha games usually have the same reasons: i dont have the time for em or just not hooked enough to continue. another time

a pleasant surprise! really engagign cast of characters and superb and wonderful creature designs (bunger!!!). not sure how i feel about the climax but im keeping my eye on what these developers cook up in the future. switch version runs fine but it did have the occasional frame rate hickup.