i like the game and am still playing it but i can't help but feel like it's waaaay too slow in the beginning

game looked nice but dogshit controls

idk. its fine. worst metroid game out of the 5 though (incl. zero mission and samus returns 3ds but excl. the NES games)

beating darker side remains one of my greatest gaming achievements

valve is too afraid of making money to make a third portal

it should probably be illegal for games to rock this hard. i would give this 6 stars if i could

trippiest therapy session i've ever had

i don't care about any of the other dumb shit EA did. ruining this franchise was their greatest crime

this game would be 6/5 without michael


i liked the part where Niko said 'it's one shottin time' and then he one shotted all over everyone

10/10 movie, easily, shame they couldn't match the quality for the game