Let's face it, gunning down nazis while dual wielding sniper rifles is both silly and fun. Doesn't stand out too much as a particularly amazing game, but it's entertaining.


A very old school arena FPS with a great soundtrack. Running around a room killing demons in brutal ways feels satisfying.

A good old dragon quest style game dripping with nostalgia for both old jrpgs and ttrpgs. The game doesn't particularly do anything original or anything that stands out, but it has a very cozy atmosphere to it. The random encounters got frustrating quite fast. The story isn't stellar but it felt like a GMs first campaign, which added to the sense of nostalgia. The party members were memorable and really had the vibe of various sorts of player characters.

Basically just more of dishonored, plus some extremely fun gimmick levels. However, it didn't grab me in the same way as the first game for reasons I cannot articulate.

Stealth action game with level designs that allows for a lot of different approaches. The whole morality system is very barebones (killing people bad), but the story itself is decent.

I have never played this in a competitive context, but that is what the game is mostly played now. Even outside of that it's a solid platform fighter. Doesn't have a similar amount of single player content as the later games.

Probably the worst title in the series, but it has by far the best single player campaign

An extremely fun platform fighting game with a lot of content even for single player. So many characters.

Highly mediocre as pokemon games go and takes place in the most cursed possible setting, england, but it did have a lot of good new pokemon. Corviknight my beloved.

The only battle royale I've genuinely enjoyed playing, with solid gunplay and interesting character abilities. The monetization is highly predatory and really pushed me off the game.

Forgets most of the plot setup done by mass effect 2 and goes somewhere different. The ending is notoriously bad, but I enjoyed the other quests. The combat is probably the best in the series. It used to require either multiplayer or a mobile tie-in game to get the "good ending", but they apparently fixed that in the new release. Does manage to tie up a lot of the loose ends of the series.

One of the biggest improvements that a sequel has done. Structured mostly like a "getting the band back together" heist story, but there is just a bit too little content with your party members. A lot of the side quests aren't that interesting either. The shooting gameplay is a bit basic, but biotic charge is a joy though.

High jank. The equipment system and combat are not enjoyable, and the planet exploration bits with the mako just felt empty. The overall plot was alright, although the worldbuilding does have a lot of questionable elements. If anything, I had fun with the broken physics of the mako.

Attempts to be as epic and grand as origins, but it didn't make me care for the villain at all, partially due to the amount of meaningless open world content. It has some good moments and characters, but it mostly just disappointed me. They somehow managed to make the antagonist feel not threatening in the least. The main plot is very forgettable. The combat feels really bland. There really isn't much going on for it.

How in the fuck did they manage to make something this good story-wise in such a short time? The game is incredibly rushed and it constantly reuses location so much so that it gets stale. The combat got very repetitive for me so much so that I had to respec in order to not get bored. However, I have never really seen a fantasy story from this kind of perspective, and I'm glad that it exists. It has a much smaller scope than the previous game, and mostly focuses on one family in one city.