This review contains spoilers

“Not everything needs to be for some greater purpose. Just caring about someone can be enough. That’s all we need to give our lives meaning”

First of all, apologies if the following review is a bit all over the place. If anyone has read my previous reviews, they know I usually just post personal feelings towards the game rather than actually reviewing it. As I just finished the game, these feelings are very recent, so I may ramble more than I intend to. I don't really want to edit myself, so I’ll just put it all here.

It wouldn't be enough to say Persona 3 surprised me.
My previous and only experience with the Persona series was Persona 5, a game I liked gameplay wise but despised how it treated its own characters and story. When I lost my game file data not even 40 hours into the game, I gave up trying to play it myself. After all, if a story doesn't respect its own characters, their feelings, what is the point? It can’t be a good story.
Needless to say,because of that I was skeptical about persona 3. I had several friends tell me it was the best persona and since it had just gotten the remake and I really needed something to distract me from life and how kind of bad it has been since the year started i thought, why not? It may as well give me a good time, even if i may later regret or get upset at its writing

That is Not what happened. At all.
Persona 3 is a game that clearly cares for its characters, their purpose, their feelings and their relationships. Not only with each other, and with the main character, but with themselves too. What they set out to do they do for a reason that they later may or may not confront if that was the real reason they did it for, but these characters…they felt real to me. Even if the writing feels a bit too ....”anime-like” sometimes, I could believe these characters. I could believe IN them, feel with them as things happened and see how they grew as people. I found myself extremely attached to the cast. Yes, even Junpei, who I thought would just be the annoying funny guy friend trope kind of character, I found myself surprised at his character development. I cried with him.

Persona 3 did not fear to stick to its themes, to my surprise. I really did get into the game knowing nothing, so while I immediately understood (well, it's quite obvious) that the main theme of the game was death, and finding meaning in life, I did not know how far they wanted to take it. The loss of some of the cast really shocked me, but it was done well and it did make for a really great story.
I found that what the game wanted to tell it did so very well. Especially with the help of characters like Aigis. I find that her character was the one I liked most, because of her search for meaning when she doesn’t consider herself alive as she does everyone else. I thought her words and her description of life were so beautiful, I found myself tearing up several times at some of the things she said about living and what it means.

Before I get too personal, I guess I do have to mention that the game has its issues. Gameplay wise I found that most bosses weren’t really great designed. I found myself wondering if they simply kept them as they were in the original, and they didn't think twice about the issues with the design of them. I haven’t played the original but some gameplay choices felt very…old school I guess you could say. Also it was extremely easy to be overleveled in later bits of tartarus…though I guess that could be my fault, too. I wish the game divided its social links better too. There's only 2 night social links, that you max out pretty fast. Most of your social links are at school which means youre fucked when theres no school. Why can’t I advance the social links of at least the girls at the dorm outside of school time? I don’t really think that's a great choice, especially since I'm frustrated that the only two social links I couldn't max out were Fuuka and Yukari…I was so close…
As for the rest, the gameplay loop was interesting and I don't have much to comment on it, though I feel that as you advance through the game you end up having too much free time. I just walked koromaru way too many times, and while I do love him it feels like wasting time when I know I have social links I can't max out, I guess. But I wouldn't say it's necessarily a bad thing.

I am not great with words. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before. So I don’t know how to describe how I feel right now. As I said before, the game’s ending is pretty recent to me. As I type this, I only finished the game a mere…10-20 minutes ago.
I think what hit me more about this game is…well I guess I’ve been having a hard time lately. More than I’d like to admit. Life feels pretty meaningless sometimes, even when I’m having fun, even when I'm with my friends, when I'm by myself I think. It’s all a bit too much. I guess there's always a little bit of apathy that comes with being alive. Sometimes you think about everything a bit too much. Some days life is like normal but others, it feels like you’re just going through everyday life because you have to. I’m sure most of us feel like that every once in a while. I wouldn’t say I have a hard time, but sometimes it’s just well. Too much.
In those moments I'm always looking for something that will get me to just…think of how much worth it everything is. I always resort to media in my hardest moments, not only for the distraction but because I find fictional stories incredibly comforting, and they always keep me going.
I guess, what I mean to say is, persona 3 was that for me at this specific moment. While the game talks a lot about death, and it does so well, what hit me harder were its words about living. And I really want to take those with me. I believe I understand now why this game is loved by many people.
I believe the ending couldn’t have been better, as sad as it is and as much as I cried, it made it’s point and truly, it was just beautiful
Overall, I think it was a good game.

“When you think about it, it’s a miracle that two given people are able to ever meet in this chaotic flow of time and space. That’s why we find happiness in forging bonds and friendships”

I came into this game with 0 expectations. I just wanted to play one vanillaware game, as ive really liked the art style from their games for a long time, yet had never actually played one of them. I kind of thought the art style would be the best part of it, but i ended up really loving like, everything this game has to offer.
Story wise, I think its a very solid sci-fi story but I think what made it more interesting is the way it was told. I do think 13 protagonists was a bit much, specially considering some of them dont actually add much to the overall continuation of the plot but i did really enjoy their characters and interactions with each other so I cant really complain. I think what really hit the spot was how different each story was told, and how different each character approached situations. I also liked the liberty of following the story in any way you want (up until you were locked by certain events, obviously). I think that probably made the story more convoluted than it was in the way I was playing but I was having fun trying to figure it out so it just adds to it, in my opinion. The twists were very well done and made the story even more interesting I had a really really great time with it.
The characters though…the characters were amazing. As I said i really got attached to them. I do have some issues with how some characters are written, specially the female characters as it seems a lot of them revolve around their male counterparts BUT I liked the character writing anyways, and the banter they share with each other despite a lot of them not knowing each other a whole lot in battle was so fun, and kind of endearing. The relationships formed between them were really sweet too.
The battle bit was really enjoyable and fun! It was a bit easy, but that also could be because i stayed in normal difficulty the whole way through so that ones on me, probably. But I really enjoyed it anyways, just getting to beat a bunch of stuff in one shot is really fun to me.
The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, both the visual novel music tracks and the combat music are absolutely amazing and i found myself going back to listen to them when I was forced to put the game down and actually do something productive.
Overall I can understand that maybe this isnt a game for everyone but to me it was an amazing time and I kinda wish i could play it again for the first time. I am kind of scared i will now compare all other vanillaware games I play in the future to this one, cos this will be hard to top.
Tsukasa Okino shouldve been a playable character btw.

For a day I've been thinking really hard on what to say exactly about this game and yet the words don't come to me.
It just somehow feels a bit like a game tailored specifically to my tastes, from the themes to the aesthetic to the gameplay, which I found incredibly fun despite the fact that ive only sstarted playing survival horror myself instead of watching it on youtube this year. (I still have to play silent hill) .
But the story and the love behind it is what specifically called to me in the end. After i finished it i just looked at my screen for a bit taking it in and i am still thinking about it.
I really recommend going into this game fully blind. Its a good one

I write this as its currently 1:36 am and i finished the game 5 minutes ago
I have logged a total of 152 hours in this game. I had been waiting for it since day one and I wanted nothing more than to play it. I feared that all the excitement would make me feel extremely dissappointed when I played it and it wasnt the masterpiece I expected. But truth be told, I dont care. To me, this game was a 10 just like botw was.
First of all, the mechanics of the zonai arm have done nothing but improve in regards of the sheika slate ones. I feel like i used them much more and more often than i did those of breath of the wild. They made exploration and discovery very fun. This also means that shrine puzzles were incredibly fun too, and more complicated than botw which i liked despite sucking at some of them, i did clear all shrines. I do feel like there were way too many rauru's blessing shrines compared to puzzle shrines but i dont care that much. The fuse hability is dumb at times in the best way, and while i am definitely mot the best builder and in the end, didnt even build that many contraptions, seeing the amazing things you can do with it is crazy.
I really, really appreciate the comeback of temples. Thats one thing I really missed in breath of the wild and was very upset that they were gone. The divine beasts were not...good. While the temples in totk follow the short format of the divine beasts, the puzzles were more fun and while i would Not compare them to any other zelda game dungeons, i feel like most of them were fun.
Exploration once again was insane. I expected nothing less from a game so praised in its exploration but I was honestly so shocked the first time I found out there was not only the sky, but also the depths. I felt like an entire world opened to me. Sure they may not be filled with stuff but i frankly had fun with them anyways, and explored to my hearts content in all 3 maps.
Now, to me, the most important thing that totk had to improve compared to botw was in terms of story. Its not a secret to anyone who has talked to me about that game that I did not like the way they handled its story at all, and found it extremely lacking. So entering totk after the trailers I expected a better story.
I have to say ive gone through many ups and downs in regards of the plot....Overall I do like the idea, I think its great. I dont think trying to tell it through memories like in breath of the wild did it Any good at all, and possibly made it a bit worse just because of that. Finding certain things before time can really affect your experience of the story since you know something apparently no one knows despite the fact you found out like 20 hours ago. So I was a bit dissappointed in that regard, upset that I liked the ideas it was presenting but wasnt telling them properly. I was also upset about the fvt that ,not only did the story revolved around zelda but she wasnt here again, but how irrelevant Link felt to the plot at times. I still stand by that even after finishing, I feel like in both botw and totk they forgot that Link is his own character, but with everything happening in totk i expected them to give him a bit more importance aside from just saying hes The Hero. I started fearing I would not like the end of the game, and that I would be dissappoited with it despite how much fun the gameplay was.
You see, while I love botw, the final boss was...dissappointing (I know, I kmow, there should be a counter to how many times Ive said that word now). It was easy and quick, and while the music was good (INCREDIBLY good) i felt that the second phase was a let down. So I wanted totk to do better...and honestly? I feel like it did. I wont say it was perfect, its nowhere near Twilight Princess of course, but i found myself pleasently surprised and even incredibly hyped as I was playing it and in the end I think thats what matters.
Totk brought great ideas to a game that already worked like botw was, it developed and implemented them properly and it turned out to be a really, really good game despite the flaws that I know it has. I cannot list all that bothered me, in the same way i cannot list all that I liked. I had so much fun with it and i feel like the years of waiting were worth it. So i dont think i can rate this any less than a 5.
I wish I could do the final boss for the first time again. Im excited to see where Legend of Zelda will go from here.

I feel like I didn’t give Pandora’s Tower a fair review last time as it had been a while since I played it, so today after replaying it for a bit I decided I would write a bit on it, as it’s one of my favourite games, and I feel like more people should give it a try and haven’t yet.
Pandora’s Tower is one of the Very Good Wii games I’ve played. Aeron and Elena are simple, sure, but very effective characters. Which is fairly important, as the relationship between the two is basically the entire point of the game.
See, Pandora’s Tower bases itself and its entire plot in the relationship you, playing as Aeron, build with Elena. She will be at home as you take Aeron to the towers, and it’s up to the player to show how much they care. Keeping her alive is not the same as making her happy, as supporting her in her time of need. It’s not about lifting her curse, as important as it is, it’s about love.
It’s not like you’re winning her favour, as Elena and Aeron already have a story and are very in love by the beginning of the game, and it’s very clear to see. It’s more of how much Aeron can do for her, how far he’s willing to go to save her. And honestly I thought that was great. I’ve seen a lot of people saying that was too much, and maybe it is? I found myself just thinking of things I could buy for her and if they would trigger special little interactions and events between the two. Aeron is very sweet with her and she’s so happy when he brings her small things, I found that so cute and I just kept bringing and buying her stuff.
The towers can be quite repetitive, especially since each of them does actually repeat. They’re small and not very complicated; since you often have to backtrack to take flesh back to Elena so the curse won’t overtake her. Even so I don’t find myself growing tired of annoyed of them, I think as small and simple as they are they are very effective, and while not the most fun I’ve had in a game, I was engaged. The bosses are not very hard but I found them entertaining and some did give me a hard time.
The controls of the game feel quite nice, and its use of the wiimote is actually quite good, not basing its entire combat on it but utilizing it just enough so that it’s a game made for the wii, and not a game you could play anywhere.
All in all, I think Pandora’s Tower is very much a game that you should give a try yourself and experience. It’s not life changing, or anything, but it’s a game i really enjoy, and one I found myself thinking of pretty often.

Life has recently gotten busy, so compared to the last two i played trials and tribulations in bits, which I thought would hurt the experience but it did not at all.
The overarching plot of the entire game made this extremely interesting, even in a case where i just did not care too much like Recipe for Turnabout i was still engaged enough.
Definitely was a good call to have you play as Mia and also as Edgeworth (god was his commentary on stuff while examining fun, that guy is so silly and takes himself too seriously).
Bridge to the Turnabout was absolutely amazing, and probably the best case in here even if I still love farewell my turnabout and turnabout goodbyes, i think this one is the best last case of the saga so far.
Overall very fun and great character writting as always, I think even better than the last games. I have no idea when i'll get around to play the next one, but I'm looking forward!

Gonna start my review here saying that I consider remakes and original games to be completely different. If i find certain issues with the remake unless they're super glaring and just plain horrible, I will always say the original one is not going anywhere. And Remakes stepping away from the original is always something I'll welcome! What's the point on doing something that's already done if you're not gonna try and make it at least a little bit different.
The resident evil 4 remake is a game of now and will never top the original one, which is a game of its time. It isn't going to be 2005 again so we can't make a 2005 game, therefore resident evil remake takes itself more "seriously", and while I missed a lot of iconic Leon lines it wasn't a bad choice, in my opinion.
All that said, I honestly had so much fun with this game. I had to pace myself to not finish it in one or two days but I kept thinking I wanted to put so many more hours on it daily. Everything about it felt great to me and I just had a real great time with it! Which I think is the most important thing about games.
I have to take some points away with voice acting. While Leon, Ashley and Luis were great (also really enjoyed ashley and luis in this game, honestly) it was so dissappointing to hear Ada. She's a character I really enjoy and her new voice actress just At all. Like I'm sorry to say but she was just bad. In the same vein I didn't really enjoy Krauser's voice actor either, it just sounded like evil guy number 50 and i dont know, that wasn't really doing it for me.
I'm definitely going to be replaying this at some point.
Leon S. Kennedy I need you.

This one was another great one! Had tons of fun, but I have to take some points out because Turnabout Big Top was like. Really boring. The two cases before that weren't bad, First one is just an introduction, second one is nothing life changing but it's ok and it introduces some new mechanics. If the game only had those cases it wouldve been on the side of bad, but Farewell my turnabout is here.
Farewell my turnabout was really good...i'd say the best case in the series as of now (yes i am aware that i've only played the two game so far). I was very invested and I really enjoyed the writting but specially the character writting. I still stand that this game cares deeply about its characters even if it feels a bit clumsy at times, it did try to go deeper than the first game did and I really appreciate it for it. I love the new characters introduced and the developing of Edgeworth's character but also Phoenix's was really good. Looking forward to what else we'll see from here! And I hope I get to see Franziska again soon

For years I've been saying I would play Ace Attorney and for years I just kept not doing that. That ends today!
As I write this, I have literally just finished the last chapter. What better time to write something on it as now.
I don't think I've ever realized just how much I enjoy mystery games and it just hit me while playing Ace Attorney. The joy of being right every time you say someting just gets me going.
The characters are very charming and I found the writting to be very nice. Where else am I going to bring a parrot to court and also make it make complelte sense for it to be there.
I had tons of fun playing, the last chapter was longer than the rest but I did not feel like it dragged at all it was a very well written case.
I'm looking forward to playing the rest of this series!

I find extremely hard to review Guild Wars 2 since its an mmo and constantly updating, but i felt like not having it on my list was kind of a crime.
To me, the biggest pull of this game is the story. I won't get into details because I would be here forever, but it's a game i really care for and could talk about for hours. Very fun to play with friends also! The mechanics are great, the exploration is fun, and I always find little things to do.
The community is very approacheable, but there's also a lot of people who need to get out of wvw and raids for a second and enjoy the rest of the game maybe.
Overall, I think this is a game everyone should at least try out if you enjoy mmo's, tho the base story is kind of plain it really does pick up with its expansions.

Still at its early state and the content not being fully released, I don't feel great rating this game just yet but I cannot help to write something for it right now as it sits on my mind.
First of all I'll start by saying that, as many people in this review section have said before, the idea of Project Moon, a company that has made a universe to critizise (one of the many things to critizise, i guess) the capitalist society we live in and how it affects people, it is kind of insane to come to the decision to make a gacha game out of everything they could've done. While I understand that a company has to hold itself and make some kind of revenue so that we can continue enjoying the great content they make, it's hypocritical to do it this way and still speak of how gambling is bad in this games second chapter. The fact that Limbus Company is a gacha game kind of goes against the message of all Project Moon's writting.
Still, I am playing it, like I've played many gacha games before despite hating how they prey on people, so i am kind of a hypocrite as well.
If you'd like to know, the gacha at least doesn't feel extremely predatory and it is easy to ignore and play completely free, which I always appreciate in gacha games because i refuse, and will always refuse, to give those games any kind of money. Project Moon are being generous with rewards, but I am still baffled that they would decide to make a gacha.
With that out of the way, I have to say that the first three chapters of this game have been very good. Gameplay wise, it is kind of like Library of Ruina, though in a more simple way. Not being able to target specific enemies when not fighting against abnormalities does suck but you soon learn how to deal with it and its entertaining.
Story has been very great so far, I really enjoy more character driven story telling and it's been achieved well here Chapter 3 was definitely the peak of this first release and I am looking forward to more, I am very attached to the characters in here so I'd love to see where this goes!

May you find your book in this place.

I am writing this review exactly an hour after beating Library of Ruina, having been stuck in the end game of it for the past 4 days. I’ve struggled, lord have I struggled. But despite being incredibly overwhelmed and frankly a bit exhausted from the whole thing, I think it’s only fair that I write my review with all those feelings in mind. So here we go

First of all let me talk about the gameplay without touching yet, on plot or how I feel about it. For those wanting to skip spoilers, this is the part that you can read.

Contrary to Lobotomy Corporation I felt like the gameplay of Library of Ruina was properly explained (up to a point) and easy to follow the first few hours of the game. You are able to get used to collecting books, burning them, building your decks and trying them out pretty easily. That is until the difficulty scale goes up. And Boy, does it go up. Remember this is a Project Moon game? Yes the difficulty scale IS vertical as everyone says.
I was having NO issues with the game up until a certain EGO battle came in. And from that point and onwards the game keeps introducing small but very important mechanics that you’ll just have to read about yourself. And you WILL fail and continue failing if you fail to consider every single small thing that the enemy can stack on you, and if you do not read those passives they will bite you in the ass. That is not to say that this is a horrible thing but it gets overwhelming Fast. Soon your books that have been carrying you the entire time will get wiped in seconds because you have not applied passives (you mean I can’t just mindlessly apply power passives and be done with it? I wondered after failing the same reception for the 5th time.)
Here is a tip for you, if you are reading this and plan on playing this game: do NOT get attached to your pages, your decks and your passives. You are going to be switching all of that around CONSTANTLY. You would think that is obvious but as someone who just sticks with what works until it doesn’t, it was hard for me to accept this. Using my strongest pages only for their passives instead of them being the main page was something that I did not consider most of the time and it fucked me up every time.
If you get stuck, do not worry. We all do. We all have.
Here’s another thing about this game to consider: time. You will spend so much time playing this game. I have spent 2 months and a half playing, and it wasn’t really on and off. I have played many hours of this game, and while I do not consider myself a very good gamer or anything like that, I’m still amazed at the amount of hours I’ve put in the last part of the game.
The game does feel a bit unfair, at times, but it’s also very rewarding when you finally get something done. Frankly if I didn’t give up , I should already be giving it points for that.

But the truth is, I wanted to give up many times. But even then I felt like I couldn’t. Because I was struggling for a reason and that is because I needed to see where these characters were heading and I needed to reach that with my own hands.
Library of ruina is a story about struggling.
The City is an unfair place. How anyone manages to even survive in it is truly a miracle. Everyone is tired, disillusioned, sad and angry. The City is merciless, there is no hope and there is no light and everyone is constantly struggling. In a world where it truly feels like there’s always circumstances to everyone’s actions, circumstances that are unavoidable that are unsolvable because that is simply how it is in the city, where you are only following orders of a higher power to simply survive, where does free will lay? Is it really that bad to care only about yourself when surviving is already a whole ordeal?
Every character that came to the library, those that already lived there and those I already knew their stories, those I didn’t, those I killed. Everyones struggling to break free from the system of the City, to find who they are what they stand for, to follow their will. Everyone has dreams, or things they want to achieve.

Isn’t only fair that I the player struggle with them too?

Many of the characters in the game were flawed, they were angry, they were filled with grief, they were tired. They were human. Are those in the library the villains? Are those who came to the library villains?
All of them were simply human. Simply people who struggled to continue living.
You could call Angela a villain, if you wanted to look at it that way. Surely she is painted like one, isn’t she? Selfish and carrying her revenge. But is she, really? She may not be human in the biological sense, but isn’t the way she’s acting making her one?
Is Roland a villain for wanting to take revenge after the one person he loved was taken away from him? Is he a villain for wanting to carry out this revenge despite empathising with Angela?
Despite my dislike of their methods, and with a new perspective on their story their actions and their consequences, were those at Lobotomy corporation villains? Were they wrong?
Library of ruina is a game about breaking the cycle of revenge, about empathy and compassion, but it’s also a game about people. Simply people. People with compassion and empathy and grief and sorrow.
The two main characters that are more alike than anyone else. Learning to let go not because it didn’t hurt, not because it should be forgiven. But for the sake of healing.
Face your fears, and build a future.

I have many other feelings on this game, but it’s hard to put into words, so I apologize if a lot of that didn’t make much sense.
I loved all of the games characters for their flaws. I talked already a bit about Angela and Roland, but it was amazing being able to see the sephira having grown as they did in Lobotomy Corporation, interacting with each other, and sharing their thoughts and feelings with Angela and Roland. I loved the conclusion, I loved the message and god do I Love the project moon world building, despite it being a bit confusing (I probably should check out their other non game media to get a better idea, maybe I will eventually). I had expectations after Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina did not disappoint at all in terms of story and character writing.
It’s a hard game to recommend, but it is a game I will be thinking about for a long while.

I've never played the resident evil series myself despite being a fan of the games for a while, so with the announcement of resident evil 4 remake, i decided to try and play resident evil 2 by myself.
I thought it would not be for me. I'm not really fond of shooters and stuff mostly cos it gets boring at some point. Despite that, i found myself enjoying re2 quite a lot. Even with all the backtracking, I had tons of fun playing this. The puzzles were straight to the point and it felt pretty good to know what I was doing at all times despite that being me just walking around and trying not to get decked in the face by the hugest man on earth. I don't have much to say, I'm just more excited for the remake for re4 now.
Also Leon S. Kennedy if you're free this friday evening please call me back

Let it be said before I start this review, that I enjoyed the game.
But god, was it hell to play through. Like I honestly think this is one of the ways they torture souls in hell. Harsh and unfair and mean and it knows it. It’s a game made to be hard to play. And it excels at that.

Management is pretty easy the first few days because you only have pretty easy to handle abnormalities. The game does try to ease you into it and it does a good job, you end up feeling like you know what you’re doing but you’re wrong. You’re wrong because the second you get an anomaly that breaches it’s over for you. Everyone’s dying and it’s your fault. And you will restart the day over and over because you don’t want your best employees dead but yin and yang who are breaching at the same time don’t care and clouded monk who will breach as soon as 10 employees are dead also doesn’t care (and you’re not aware that he’s going to do that yet) and do NOT forget that you have to check on the train from hell every 2 minutes or chaos will ensue. (This is just a very personal situation that happened, you will not go through the same one, hopefully, but you understand the stress that I’ve been under)
You will realize that you picked probably the worst abnormalities to have all in the same place but there’s nothing you can do about it because you don’t really know what you’re picking.
Let’s not even talk about the fact that you need to gear up your employees with the proper gear for dealing with abnormalities which I am pretty sure I did a horrible job at.
At least the ost is really good!

If you love horror or at least SCP this will be entertaining for you. Despite how hard it was and how frustrating it was to play and have to replay over and over because the game is not clear enough on PURPOSE on what’s the best way to deal with an anomaly, its very entertaining to find it all by yourself. You end up building some kind of system that you will use over and over to deal with all your abnormalities and if it all goes well at some point you’ll breeze through days. And that’s the ideal because to me the main point of this game is its story.

I wanted to know the lore so bad. I wanted to know about the sephirah, about why is it that we’re using literal horrors to get energy. About Angela and why she’s so shady. And I wanted to know what happened and what will happen. I kept playing despite almost ripping my hair out some days because I was really invested in knowing More. All the abnormalities have their own story, all the sephirah are like that for a reason. You are part of this whole machine and you will want to find out what’s going on and the game will reward you with it if you keep playing it and it will be worth it. Its themes of life and death and grief were so well written all packed up in this very fucked up world that I could not get enough of it.
Despite it all, I ended up not being strong enough and, after making a horrible decision at some point and refusing to reset the entire playthrough after reaching so far, checking out the rest of the story somewhere else.

Even so I’d recommend you give the game a try by yourself first. I think it’s honestly worth playing even if it’s just a few days and then you decide that it’s too hard for you. And it’s honestly ok if it is cos it’s hard. I don’t think I’m ever touching it again myself
I am looking forward to playing library of ruina.

I had never played a roguelike game before Hades (more like, had any interested or finished one), so after it and how much I enjoyed it, I wanted to give one a try.
I love wii games so after some research I decided to give Baroque a try.
I am still not quite sure if I regret it or not.

Gameplay wise, Baroque gets boring really fast. As most wii games it’s slow and clunky and repetitive. It’s a lot of walking through randomized levels and a lot of item managing. The fighting is slow and not really challenging, you mostly worry about being underleveled or being outnumbered in a small room, and at some point the only thing on your mind is in which level you are so you can keep track of what NPCs you can find on that floor.

What kept me going, though, was how much the entire mood of the game was so…perfect for it. Baroque is set in a clearly post apocalyptic world, all of it distorted and off putting. The outside of the tower consists of just a small number of NPCs who don’t really tell you much, but I was so interested on what little they had to say about the world and how they live in it and how it got to this point. It took me at least 4 runs of the tower to understand one of the NPCs was not weird, but just a mind reader and was just telling me what my character was thinking, and then it all started making sense.
A bunch of cutscenes I did not understand bit by bit started making more and more sense the more I went into the neuro tower. The themes it treats are very interesting to me and the overall mysterious and moody vibe it gives made me really enjoy the game, despite it being not very good to play.

It’s quite a confusing game. I don’t recommend playing it without a guide. There are a lot of plot bits you will miss and you will not understand the game if you don’t follow one because most of it is just not very…intuitive.
It’s a game with many, many flaws and I can’t say I truly enjoyed playing it, but I also can’t say I hated it because I really enjoyed the plot as confusing as it was to fully understand.