I understand that the ending pissed a lot of people in the fanbase off, and i understand that frustration. but this is a masterpiece of a video game, the combat is the best the series had ever shown and the story for 90% of the game was great.

AS FAR AS 2D ZELDAS GO this is one of if not the best, art style alone brings it above most in the series

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Its a good building block and there are some good ideas here, and i know further into the series they get realized but this game was a drag. after the first time visiting each city it felt awful to just do the same missions over and over. and then at the end of the game, after ive become a master assassin and learned how to slyly get in and out of these situations, the game just sends hoards of enemies at you like this is a beat ' em up. the story was good enough and really the only thing that kept me enganged

What an incredible video game. The combat in this game is unlike anything I've ever played before its just the right amount of challenging so that defeating a machine feels rewarding. the story however is what kept me hooked for the entire ride. An incredible story that i think is being slept on, one of my favorites ever. going to tell all my friends to play this one

This was my first fallout game and I loved it, I understand the fandom. great big world with lots to do and a fun enough story for the games runtime

The best video game I've ever play and probably will play

I cant speak to the expectations and the hype that preceded this games release but this is one of the best stories ive played in a while, along with the beautiful world and interesting and diverse characters, this was one of the best games i played in 2020

Simply one of the best games Ive ever played