Fairly good, inconsequential 7/10 fun. Shelved it at a particularly whack boss fight and didn't look back.

Peak videogaming. Has a joy that modern games lack. Will probably try for 100%, which I have never done with any other game.

Really enjoyed this. Big fan of concise, tight experience that don't overstay their welcome. The limb slicing mechanic was perfectly suited to the Wii. A solid 8ish hours of hamfisted horror nonsense.

A once-in-a-generation game.

Transcends its influences to truly ingrain itself into you long after completion.

Mechanics, gameplay, music, and characterisation all work in harmony with each other to create a haunting experience.

Masterful. My only regret is that I put off playing it for so long.

Used to love the PS1 originals. This left my cold after 5 minutes. Did the remake scrub off some of the PS1 charm? Did the game age poorly? Did I? I'm not sure.

A masterpiece.

Stephen Merchent and J.K Simmons are rare examples of Hollywood casting being appropriate for games. They both kill it here.

One of the few games that I urge non-gamers to play.

Your mileage is directly proportional to how much you like the Transformers IP.

I'm completely ambivalent so for me this was just a big standard, slightly janky Gears of War clone.


A game that doesn't outstay its welcome and makes full use of the mechanics on offer.

Very bland when compared to the insanity that was XCom 2: War of The Chosen.

Could've done with a bit more style - voice acting, music, menus, etc. - as the underlying systems are not bad. There's nothing that gets the blood pumping like this:


Will probably give this another shot when it's fully patched and DLCs are cheap.

An entertaining curio. Interesting to see a US-style Gears of War clone done by the Yakuza Devs, i.e. a very Japanese studio. The character interactions and story beats are the best part.

I packed this in during a particularly frustrating boss fight complete with infinitely respawning enemies, wonky hitboxes, and a 'use this item' gimmick.

Worth getting for the £2 (or something equally absurd) or so it goes for these days.

Absolutely incredible for the time. You can see the game engine buckling under the strain of the sheer amount of systems present.

The concept and ambition are both fantastic, and the translators really did a bang-on job. Sadly, the game itself is too fiddly and strict to be truly enjoyable; the time limit, combined with the controls, puts undue strain on the player. Even if you play with a guide you will struggle, and it's easy to save yourself into a corner.

I'll give this another shot if someone makes a patch to 'pause' the timer as, other than this design choice, I really liked what I saw.

Enjoyed this. The side content is, obviously, the best part of the game. The new physics engine is delciously crunchy, too. I found it quite hard to follow the thread of the main story and found myself getting a bit lost at times.

Will take a break and probably plough on with Yakuza 3 at some point.

God-tier art direction let down by a lack of QOL improvements (namely traversal). Voice acting felt like a parody of Dark Soulsian purple prose.

Feels like a solid mid-tier Gameboy Advance game that was inexplicably released in 2017.

Love the concept but, please, just give me a John Wick Devil May Cry rip-off and I'll be happy.