41 Reviews liked by theswagatron

Never looking back. The SSS are my family 😭

P.S. Rixy Mixy is my pookie wookie

Easily the worst trails game almost nothing fucking happens in its like 60 hour runtime. the cast is boring the pacing is awful and the writing took a massive. however the world building is still good overall and there are some good characters and moments, plus the last hour or so was actually good (the final boss can go fuck itself straight up one of the worst final bosses i’ve ever done). the music is still absolutely god-tier in this game but yeah very mid game overall. going from azure straight to this was kinda crazy.

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Rixia Mao

Actually pretty good until the game decided to never end bruh

Sharon... 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

This game sucks ass but they made Sharon.

tokiko shigure u altered my brain chemistry forever

lloyd, elie, tio, randy, kea, noel, wazy, rixia, fran, mireille my beloveds

Amazing. What an amazing beginning to a new arc. It really hooked me into the new cast, the SSS, and found a way to make me love them so much. Honestly, this game did a bit better at a beginning of an arc then fc but nevertheless, I still love them both.



One of thr best games ive ever played, and ive heard it only gets better from here!