Beat with steam input remapped to my xbox controller

combat heavy repeat of the late levels of the base game, the melee animations added to both of the new characters rule so hard

no good puzzles, no good combat sections, lame ass boss
it SHOULD be cooler!!!!

Gameplay is really fun, but held back by both lack of consistency in melee targeting and poor direction given during boss fights. Bombastic
Played entirely through online co-op.

smoking that dynasty mode with CFB Revamped

wish the sledgehammer broke more stuff, fun community

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Unlike many of its contemporaries that are able to mask poor gameplay with a sense of atmosphere and immersion, There's Nobody fails by somehow being even shorter at around what felt like two minutes of length. Too little time is spent building up to the final horror which is a poorly modeled wendigo-like monster that rushes you and kills you too fast to feel any tension.

Nice atmosphere from the music and visuals but the gameplay itself is bare bones. There are three endings but the two good endings sadly don't add anything to the story and only act as alternate win conditions.

Played through this with tale of two wastelands. Having the ability to aim down sights likely made this a more fun experience than the vanilla game.
There isn't much story as the only thing provided is the context of "the Chinese took Alaska!"
Fallout 3 isn't known for its shooting mechanics but the body dismemberment system still provides enough entertainment value from blowing off an enemy's head so that made this combat-focused DLC a neat and cheap experience. There should have been more implementation of RPG mechanics though. A more in-depth troop management system along with more ways to tackle the quests (especially the final boss!) would have added the depth that this expansion needs.

the vehicle combat slaps ngl, also some of the new weapons were pretty great
composer was the best mission

franchise gets super easy after the first season (on normal difficulty)

love the gameplay but the lack of updates has lowered my perception of the game. pls just update your game more often 343