64 Reviews liked by treegyn

This is my favorite video game of all time. This is my rating for ALL the expansions. This has made me laugh, cry, and feel so many more emotions that its impossible to really describe, It is not a perfect game, but I do not want a perfect game. I love Final Fantasy 14. I love the developers, I love the community. And I love the memories I make with friends to this day on the game. I love it.

Absolutely enthralling from start to finish.

I wouldn't say 13 Sentinels has the best writing or story I've seen, but the way it's presented is absolutely fantastic. Mushing every sci-fi trope together and making this giant amalgamation of plot twists that only increases how confused you are. I loved piecing the story together and trying to figure out the order everything took place and having to rearrange my entire brain when something new got revealed.

I've gotta shout out the English voice acting in this game because MAN did they do good. Usually, I'll try and listen to the English voices for like an hour and switch to Japanese but the voice acting here is stellar.

The battles are pretty whatever since they're so easy, but they serve to give you some fucking fire songs and usually a funny interaction or two after a battle. EXCEPT FOR THE FINAL BATTLE THAT WAS PEAK!!!!

I don't think it's perfect as I didn't really like how some of the characters were handled compared to others. Though, it's kind of impossible to give anything lower than a 9/10 when I think about how much of the story stuck in my mind as I tried to piece together events.

If you can sense any form of soul, you will be forced to kneel to this game at some point. If you like sci-fi and visual novels DEFINITELY check this out.


does the best at literally every aspect that makes up a pokemon game except maybe the pokemon designs themselves in 3 were just a tad better overall, but aside from that it's the series pinaccle

Great openworld detective adventure game (with light platforming elements of all things). The atmosphere is top notch, the characters are all interesting and well designed visually, the soundtrack is absolutely superb and the mystery unfolds in a way that is paced surprisingly well for a game structure that has a habit of tossing such things in the bin in search of player freedom. This game also has a tropical setting, which reminds one of danganronpa 2, except paradise killer is actually good.

One thing to keep in mind however, is that Paradise Killer is much more a game about investigating than solving a crime if that makes sense. The great paradox in detective games is that (and I have played a lot of them) no one has ever quite figured out the way to craft one where the player can figure out a mystery and convey it to the game without cheating or causing frustration. PK sort of sidesteps this issue by having the mystery sort of solve itself and even not really checking if you made the right decision (its complicated and nigh impossible to explain without spoilers). Dont expect an Ace Attorney/Danganronpa etc hour long trial where you have to cross examine every piece of evidence. Fittingly for the vibe of this game, this is much more laidback and casual, which may turn some people off but I particularly think it works fine

Wow, this game blew me away! What a treat. I had already heard great things but I really wasnt ready for how unique and captivating it ended up being! massive recommend, 10/10

Schizo hobo adventures. Was worried about this since I don't like turn based games but this absolutely rules.

This one's pretty good! The remaster helps in making it more accessible too. Next to FF1 remaster, I would recommend this one just as much as your starter Final Fantasy. With every party member being predetermined in their abilities, and the world being fairly linear in its design, you don't have to worry about much of anything else other than leveling them up, equipping them with the right gear, and making use of boss weaknesses. It's simple, easy to get into, and satisfying to explore.

That being said, this story is... something. I feel like ever since Final Fantasy II (the nes one), RPG storytelling thought that killing off several characters 60 minutes after introducing them constituted as emotional impactful storytelling. But FF4 takes it to an almost parody-like level. Characters just drop like flies in this one, constantly. Every time a new death scene happened, I was more and more baffled. That's on top of the entire story just being one unlucky event for the protagonists after another. It's very dramatic, but it's so relentless about it, you just can't take it seriously after a certain point.

the devs had no reason to make leon such a fucking SLUT. 0/10 his twinky waist is like a girl's. he's small like a girl. disgusting.

As someone who feels like they're in a constant game of tug of war with each Yakuza game they play, I was genuinely surprised with how much I ended up enjoying Ishin. As far as ones I've completed go, this very well may be my second favorite in the series.

Yakuza games are often funny and unique, with really entertaining characters. I really think Kiryu is one of the best protagonists of all time. But theres always some things that bring them down for me. Grueling pacing, terrible boss design and lackluster endings are what a lot of this series has left me with. Most of the games make up for this overall (besides Yakuza 4. Sorry I dont usually like to use reviews to insult other games but god I fucking despised playing that). But starting with 0 which does have some of the same issues but is by far the strongest I've beaten yet has made the entire series onwards feel a bit disappointing. Especially with my last two experiences, Yakuza 5 and 6. I never ended up reviewing them but they did so much that I wanted from the series and I really felt the Yakuza love again (much needed after 4), but then both of them completely dropped the ball for me with some of the most unsatisfying endings I've ever experienced.

So yeah, I made sure my expectations were tempered for this one. Which I think in the end made me enjoy it more. Its completely fair to expect the mainline series to be high quality but in most cases its understandable to expect a spinoff to be a little weaker. But damn, not this one.

I'm not really familiar with the history behind what inspired the story, but the small amount I do know tells me they definitely took some liberties. I can't really comment on if thats a good thing or not, but the way they play off of some of the real life events is pretty damn cool. Even without the history aspect, its just a badass story to begin with. And my god, characters are getting murdered every other chapter. I love that shit. And! Half of them aren't ridiculously stupid fake out deaths, hallelujah. I can't really get into too much detail because of spoilers but, for basically every Yakuza game there's a few chapters in the beginning or near the middle where I want to cry myself to sleep, but with Ishin I was hooked the entire time past the end of chapter 1.

The combat is already pretty fun. Yakuza needs more guns. Wild Dancer obv is the most entertaining but Swordsman and Gunman are both fun in their own right. Brawler is completely useless, barely touched it lol. The card system is fine, It wasn't implemented all that great and the best cards in the game are free DLC so I just used those the whole time, but It existing is neat. There's also the Another Life farming sim side mode that was cute and fun but for a reason I'm about to get to, I didn't get too far into it.

By 'about to get to', I mean we're going to talk about it right now. The only thing I really disliked about this game is how god damn grindy it is to interact with the side stuff. I usually skip a lot of the side content in this series but I like to do a bit of it when its one of them I particularly like, and it really felt like this one was fighting against me. The battle dungeons are absurdly long, everything in Another Life takes ages (also you can't pay off Haruka's debt with your own money normally for some dumb reason) and trying to upgrade weapons and make the blacksmith actually useful is a nightmare. The light rpg elements and how slow everything is really take away from wanting to interact with much of that.

But that rather large-but-not-really issue aside, this was definitely one of the most surprising games I've played in a minute. Very high contender for the most fun and best written game in the series.

We are now at the blog portion of this review. Skip to the bottom for a TLDR and my final score if you don't care about all that. Things have been going solid, this was one of 5 games I beat in a day (not in their entirety obv) the other day so I'm pretty proud of that. Found a sealed copy of Persona 4 Arena for PS3 so happy to get that. Been playing Breath of the Wild too. Not sure what my next review will be but a MGRR one is quite likely. Also been doing a lot more creative writing which made trying to do write this review harder than usual. I hope this turned out good enough and you enjoyed reading it. If you did, thank you <3

+ Great story
+ Fun gameplay
+ sexy music
- Extremely grindy side content

Nancymeter - 89/100
Trophy Completion - 41%
Time Played - i forgor I'll add this in later
Completion #3 of May
Completion #92 of 2023

I don't know what got into me recently, but whenever I would start up a new game, I would lose interest almost immediately. Could I be experiencing burnout? Instead of going through something new, I opted to replay some games instead. I found solace here; it felt good to play games again. So this game releasing in the midst of my burnout was nice. Katamari is the best kind of comfort food.

I love Katamari! To be more specific, I love Katamari Damacy, the first game. There's something about the original's simplicity that always has me coming back for more. Meanwhile, I only ever played We Love Katamari once. It's a great game, just not as great as the original; at least that's how I remembered it, and after playing this remaster, my opinion still stands, but really, they're both fantastic games. I completely understand when people say this is their favorite Katamari game; the levels have more variety, the soundtrack still goes hard, playing as the cousins is a nice touch, the King's backstory, etc. This remaster also adds a few things, like eternal mode, which was absent from the original's release. Eternal mode allows you to roll around levels without a time limit, which I absolutely adore. There is also an added indicator pointing the player to level goals or a barrier that you are now able to get past. Oh, the Royal Reverie content is there too. It's just five additional levels that let you play as the young King. They're not too great, honestly! A bit underwhelming, in fact.

It really all comes down to rolling shit up, and it's still fun to do so, which is something the games that came after WLK weren't able to accomplish. With Keita Takahashi no longer being involved with the series after the release of We Love Katamari, as corny as it is to say, the series lost a bit of its magic. It just never felt the same afterwards, so that's why I'm glad these Reroll games exist. Now if only we could get a new game that is even remotely comparable to the first two games!

you wanna hear about how shit TMS is
the game itself is dogwater
anyone who says otherwise has been gaslit by nintendo
and the disease is ever spreading
thats my tinfoil condom theory
there cannot be this many people who actually think this awfully designed game is good
they've all been gaslit
and im gonna prove it
1. a lot of people like to say the game is an smt x fe crossover with a unique identity of its own
since when was a game about generic idols doing idol shit ever unique?
the game has no unique identity, and it is completely bland and the very foundation of the core idea of the game is ruined by its own inconsistencies
the game is about the dark underbelly of the idol industry but does not convey this in any meaningful way and just says "the evil guys were the mirages all along and the people aren't evil even though they're humans"
and the actual design of the game sucks

“Isn’t it a dancing game?”

it's like
persona but instead of one mores and a cool baton pass mechanic you get this shitty string of combos that gets old very quick and never builds upon itself throughout the entirety of the game
instead of 4 party members you get 3
and unlike most 3 party member games where it lets you change out the leader, you can't do that in TMS
the main character is always in the party
so really you only have 2 options for customizing the party

“The Main character is always in the party in FE”

the game could've done with 4 party members
instead of being extremely limiting
the weapon system is the worst in any FE game
it's like DDS mantras but somehow more grindy
and you need to find items to even make the weapons
which is how you get new skills
and that's not all
you know how multiple classes can use the same weapons in FE?


like this guy can use swords but this guy can too
not in TMS
despite being a cavalier and pegasus knight, two classes that use lances, touma and tsubasa use different types of lances
it can't even get down one of the most basic mechanics in FE
you only get access to other weapons once you promote
which is by like the 3rd or 4th dungeon i think?

“The most basic mechanic is permadeath.”

which TMS doesn't have either due to there only being like 7 or 8 party members?
another CRINGE thing about tms is the light and dark spells
look at this
these are all of the light and dark spells
notice anything?
no hama or mudo
which means no fast way of clearing out encounters
and all of the single target ailment skills like poisma or pulinpa are enemy only
for some stupid fucking reason
so despite being called a dark mage, kiria only learns exactly 1 dark spell that does damage
because there's no medium or heavy dark attack
there aren't session follow ups for light and dark even though there are for every other element
so hitting those weaknesses is pointless
even though enemies can be weak to that
who looks at this game and goes
"yeah that's fun"

“Which studio made this game?”

you wanna hear something crazy


the same people who made devil survivor and strange journey
made this game

“Bullshit. I don’t believe that one bit.”

its true


there's even devil survivor and strange journey dlc outfits
i just wanna know who thought this game was okay

and why people defend it
there's literally no reason to
you may think it's good, but what you think and what is are 2 different things
like for example
i like fire emblem gaiden
but even i know it is a shitty game
speaking of fire emblem gaiden
you don't get an axe user in TMS until the late game

“I like FSR but even I know it’s a shitty game.”

until then, it's just swords, lances, bows, and magic
gaiden moment
you don't wanna have a gaiden moment in your game

“Is Echoes a good replacement for Gaiden?”

it is essentially the same game but pretty

“And horny?”

and they attempt to make it look cool by giving a game with a nonexistent story, a story
you can take a guess how that goes

“30 Hours?”

yeah but gaiden was similar in that regard
but for different reasons
both are very grind heavy games but gaiden is slower due to being on the NES
and echoes has the newly added combat arts but there really aren't that many
so it's a negligible new mechanic
combat arts are essentially physical skills from smt where they're like special attacks at the cost of more HP
and in FE3H instead of taking HP they consume more weapon uses
which i think is a better way to handle it even though echoes couldn't do that due to weapons being unbreakable
so it takes HP instead
because HP is the only expendable resource
fire also got shafted in TMS as an element
there are severe spells for every other element except for fire
bolganone is in the game
but it's enemy only :)
anyways, TMS sucks dogshit and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
the people who say the game is good have no idea what they're talking about

a crossover of two of my favorite series that ends up being a showcase of everything i hate about the direction both of them have ended up taking

11 year old me: man this game kinda sucks actually

This review contains spoilers

I first attempted Chrono Trigger about seven or so years ago. I wasn’t particularly skilled at emulation. Never even unzipped the Snes 9x folder. Played the first six hours without stopping. Because I didn’t unzip the folder, my save file didn’t last. Played that same stretch again, in about half the time. Lost the save again. It was only here where I realized my mistake, and then started Chrono Trigger for the third time. On this first real attempt at CT, I made it through most of the game before I got frustrated with some endgame enemies and threw in the towel. This added to the pile of about a dozen video games I stopped playing before the ending.

I learned several things from these playthroughs. 1. I did not like playing classic games on my laptop. 2. I needed to learn how to figure out emulation. And 3. I need to get better at actually finishing video games.

Over the past decade, I guess I got really good at fixing all those problems. Backloggd has certainly helped me track my progress and my goals with all the games I wanted to attempt. I take more time to understand game mechanics and intended playstyle. I try to engage with subsystems and if it gets to be too much, I know how to find a shortcut that works just enough for me without completely destroying the experience.

In the interest of figuring out a better emulation experience, I got really into hacking. I’ve hacked nearly all my consoles and handhelds at this point. Hacking became a sort of exercise in making sure I got what I paid for. If I spent $200-$300 on a gaming system, I wanted to make sure I had ample reasons to put several hundred hours into using them. This techie obsession gradually escalated to fixing up a broken PS3 and PS4 I got for less than $10. Last year, I took another step deeper and bought a third-party gaming handheld known as the Retroid Pocket 2. For all my deep dives into hacking, I never quite figured out how to get most emulation tools to work the way I wanted to. The Retroid pre-installs those features and makes it relatively easy to take huge gaming libraries on the go.

And I guess I sort of came full circle by reapproaching this game with the Retroid.

The thing about Chrono Trigger’s legacy and its prestige and all its fame is that you can really toss that aside for one basic fact: it’s just fun. I started the game so frustrated thinking about how much I would have to retread to get back to my seven years old attempt at completing CT. Dreading moving forward.

But it’s just obscenely fun. Those frustrations melt away so quickly because the game is fun. There’s a reason I was willing to play the opening six hours of the game three times in a row all those years ago: it's just so goddamn fun. It's dripping with charm and whimsy and joy, tightly paced. Everything is polished to a bright sheen. It all just… works.

I could talk about the story or the mechanics, its impressive choices for the era, its graphics and music. But that’s all been talked to death. There’s nothing interesting left to say about it.

If I had to talk about anything, it's just how emotional this game made me. I’ve changed so much in seven years and those characters were still themselves. For me, it had been seven years of massive self-introspection. Learning about myself and others. Adjusting my thinking and letting myself accept stuff like “maybe you’re more of a socialist than the democrat your parents raised” or “maybe it would be okay to be trans.” It's hard not to feel like a failure 90% of the time, but having this sort of time capsule reflection on myself kind of made me realize how much I have changed. Maybe I’ll revisit this game again in a few years and I’ll change a little more. I think for the better. I hope for the better.

In other ways, I guess I expected to have evolved past the story’s narrative. To be gently amused by this old touchstone and not think much else of it. But truth be told, it hit harder than it ever did back in 2014. A plucky band of strangers facing the inevitability of societal collapse and just going “nah. We won’t stand for that.” I try to avoid feeling too hopeless about the State of Things, but there’s part of me that’s just fully given up. Just protect who I can and accept the consequences as it arrives. When Crono and team first insisted to the people of 2300 that we all need to keep hope, I rolled my eyes in 2014. In 2022, I cried real tears.

If there's anything that even slightly failed for me, I suppose it would be the festival ending. It feels like too much of reward and recognition and that sort of flew in the face of what felt like the Point of the entire back half of the game. Defeating the big monster isn't how you save the future. Its making little changes over time. Rebuilding Fiona's forest for 400 years. Teach a family to treasure generosity a few generations down the line. So much of the game involves the heroes trying to change the future in huge ways and failing. Its in the little endgame sidequests where they start to make real, lasting change through these little actions. These unremarked upon moments of generosity. Its only then that they start to find success.

Sometimes, you just need a hopelessly sincere story. It's entirely possible this goes onto the pile with Paper Mario as one of the few games I replay every few years. Its fucking Chrono Trigger. Sue me.