yeah its cool but also it sucks

this game is fun but it is also baby easy

EDIT: it becomes not baby easy later

this game is adorable, the movement mechanics are extremely fun, and the story it tells is so simple and effective that i genuinely think this is one of my favorite releases of 2022. i honestly wish there was more stuff to do because i 100%d it in under 5 hours and all i wanted to do after was beat up more cardboard monsters and ride around on my shield. looking forward to any future updates

this game is cool and has a good story and i quickscoped as infiltrator the entire game


great as far as presentation goes, the cutscenes and character designs are so good and the gameplay ideas are definitely there. i think it does a poor job of letting you understand what you did wrong that made you die and can get very frustrating at times.

peak splatoon. story mode was amazing and most of the levels are extremely fun to play through. i have not beaten after alterna because it pisses me off


rly cute game and i had a lot of fun 100%ing it, it was kind of nice that it was so short but i also wish there was more bc i loved interacting with all the characters

it doesn't have the same depth as other roguelites or management sims, but it melds the two genres together in a very addicting way. im excited for future updates

feels awful to play but lebron james is kinda fun. seems that it really wants to focus on the competitive aspect and take itself seriously while the gameplay still feels so casual that it's just kind of confusing

this game is best experienced when you know absolutely nothing about it. it's really something special

i dont know if i have the strength to get through chapters 8 and 9

i like the changes to gameplay and it looks amazing graphically but it just gets a little boring imo

this game is fun and is obviously a good step forward for the franchise, but it's still extremely half-baked

yeah this is actually one of the best games i've ever played