34 reviews liked by valoderso

Kingdom Hearts III Ending explained for dummies, absurd damage sponge fights, lazy fights and that weird mickey section.

Also: How not to do an Epilogue. Limit Cut Edition. Includes infuriating fights and cut content from Final Fantasy Versus.

Wow, Thanks Nomura :D

really not feeling this one, i love kh3's finale but doing it again so soon after finishing it just for slightly different cutscenes or the rare actually new scenes and occasionally getting to play as someone other than sora is really just not worth it to me personally

This is a fraud, not worth every cent of its price. Recycled scenes of the main game, unbalanced bosses, the only part of this DLC worth is the 10€ of the Yoko Shimomura's concert.

Straight men truly don’t get this game and it need to stay that way

One of the best games for the 3ds tho I'm pretty sure playing this was the root of my wrist problems

God really made a game that looks super interesting and then made me left handed. LOOK WHATEVER I DID IN A PREVIOUS LIFE I'M SORRY

It always feels like you just barely can't do what you want but that just might be a skill issue

I pumped too much sewage and my river became brown