cool game, but i wish you didnt have to play the game like five time to get all of the lore because thinking about having to replay the first half over and over again is exhausting

played the shit out of this game trying to get all the support convos, had a lot of fun with it

really liked the battle system in this game, probably the most out of the newer fire emblem games. only thing i didn't like about the gameplay is that you arent allowed to grind which is stupid. the story was also pretty dumb but i don't really play these games for the plot lmao

this game reminds me of those sugar cookies with the pink frosting on top because i was eating one when i first started playing the game :)

dont care what anyone says this is the best smash game

this game was fun. mostly i used it as a controller for smash wii u

some reason i feel less attached to this one than 3ds. maybe because the wii u was a lame console in comparison lol

fun enough but like this is when i fully accepted nothing was going to beat the memories i formed playing brawl, and i ended up selling my copy for like 30 bucks lmao

comfy game. it reminds me of cherry poptarts and rainy sunday afternoons. still not as good as mkds though imo

the absolute best mario kart game, and this is not because its the first one i played. the solo challenges were really fun, i loved the multiplayer modes here the most, and you could make your own emblem to show off. mine was most recently nyan cat. i remember seeing a hacker online who was skipping around the track who had a kfc emblem. it was awesome

decent, but i think there wasnt a straight up vs mode for solo playing which was stupid and the battle modes kinda sucked

so i got this for my birthday like a month before it was announced it would be on the switch and quite frankly i'm pissed off about that and i haven't played it for like four years

so i played the closed beta for this before it was fully released to the public and i thought it was pretty cool. then they fully released it and locked everything fun about it behind massive microtransactions and i dipped almost immediately

awesome awesome awesome awesome games

dont care what anyone thinks i love the circus case