Strong start and then it just keeps going. The story begins to drag on and the zones get big, empty, and samey. Topple locking my beloved

The best art and music and some of the worst post-NES gameplay in the series. Bonus points for the classism angle that shoots itself in the foot by being tacked onto a plot from 1992

now that I've shot all those guys... I truly understand what it means to not shoot a guy... and it's thanks to the Yakuza 4 of you

The game somehow recovered enough from Turnabout Big Top for me to like it overall: the "miracle" happen.

Great cases with a lot of emotional weight from the rest of the trilogy and hilariously dated cultural references - you, too, can laugh despite yourself at a "this is Sparta" joke in 2023

The soundtrack is full of timeless bangers and the collectables are more of optional challenges than something to check off a list. Thoroughly enjoyable even for a platforming moron like myself.

You never quit RuneScape, you just take extended breaks. I started in 2004 and my last break ended about three days ago. I'll get that fire cape some day.

I'll never understand the need visual novel developers have to claim they're subverting the genre only to make a regular old visual novel, but this one was pretty good.

The voice acting is absolutely spectacular and made the experience for me alone even if the script it was following didn't always hit. I'll be picking up the sequel whenever it goes on sale, adjusting for the last 14 years of inflation got me fucked up

This is the game that Nickelodeon sitcoms would have the kids sneak out to buy only for it to give them nightmares

Some of the most entertaining stories I've read and probably the worst grind I've ever subjected myself to besides RuneScape, and it's all on a browser-based mobile gacha from 2014.

I'll be ordering this year's Valentine's postcards too.

It's Yu-Gi-Oh. Gone are the days of throwing down a facedown and ending your turn, it's OTK, control, or bust.

The menu and in-game UI is solid, and I've got very few complaints on that end. Card sorting is a bit iffy but that's to be expected with thousands of cards in the database.

Most shocking of all is that free-to-play is viable, and you can make one or two complete decks that'll take you all the way through ranked if you know what you're doing.

If there's one glaring flaw, it's the single-player duels. They start off as a tutorial to ease people into Yu-Gi-Oh, and do a decent job of explaining the rules, but they don't do much to tell you how the archetypes they showcase actually function. Instead you find out how they work when you jump into a duel with one of their loaner decks and immediately watch the AI pull out their boss monster with a better version of the deck they made you play. I don't want to get rolled by Inzektors again just give me my gems konami

Azure features some of the highest highs and lowest lows of Trails gaming I've experienced thus far. The NPCs are more lovable than ever, the quests and dialogue are easy to experience thanks to all the fast travel options, and the story must be experienced to be believed. Zero barriers out of zero.

I played this back when I was far too young to be playing it and it still managed to set my standards for video game immersion. You can catch a cold, chain smoke to look for laser tripwires, the list goes on. I can point to a dozen different interactions in this game and go "they were so real for this" but I'll settle for the Psycho Mantis fight that genuinely made me think the signal cut out on my old TV.

Without even getting into the themes or the English localization effort, Metal Gear Solid has a lasting impact I'll never escape and I'm better off for it.

The best part of the trilogy, in no small part because its gameplay loop is the most unique. Kevin and Ries are GOATed protagonists and the side stories and ending close out burning questions and introduce new ones about the many playable and side characters I'd gotten to know in the whole 100-odd hour journey that is Trails in the Sky.

Finished in one weekend. Great story, hand is a bit tired from serving everyone huge beers with the mouse controls. Definitely need to replay it. The cast is witty and endearing, the jokes come naturally (excepting a few over the top references), and the forums were consistently entertaining.

I have truly entered the sequel waiting room.